The MarQuez North Catch

What's crazy is, if Workey throws a good pass there, North walks into the end zone.....and then the play would have been nowhere near the SC top 10
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Talk about making lemonade out of lemons. I'd be more excited if Worley wasn't throwing Crompton bounce passes it there.

Fantastic catch tho.

Not sure if North was supposed to come inside on that route or not. He definitely was going outside and the ball was thrown inside...

Even though he lost his footing he made a incredible catch...
The football gods are with us... reminds me of the 98 season. Crazy stuff that happened.. for those who picked wku to beat TN. Kiss our arse.. If the coaching staff can keep Worsley from throwing the long passes we just might be competitive in the SEC. Otherwise those teams were about to face will eat our lunch..
What's crazy is, if Workey throws a good pass there, North walks into the end zone.....and then the play would have been nowhere near the SC top 10

Yep, would have preferred a decent pass, a touchdown and no highlight versus a wounded duck, an amazing catch on Sportscenter and a field goal.
Heads up play. Now he needs to work on catching the easy ones.

What easy ones?😊😳.... the way Worley's throwing the ball right now North has to make a circus catch virtually every time.
Heads up play. Now he needs to work on catching the easy ones.

He hasnt had any easy ones. He has bailed out Worley on every one of his catches. Croom on the other hand has dropped several that hit nothing but his hands. Expected more out of Croom with his size and speed. He creates mismatch's but needs to start catching the bslls. Johnson I sm really pleased with along with North, Smith and Howard. Need Peterman or Ferguson in there, they have much stronger arms than Worley. Even the pass to Johnson was so badly underthrown and he was wide open. If we had played a team with real speed yesterday that pass is never completed. Definitely not knocking the kid you can only work with what you have but he is slow at making decisions and lacks any kind of arm strength.
Man I got a good feeling he's going to be something special. The guy looks like a man child out there
What easy ones?����.... the way Worley's throwing the ball right now North has to make a circus catch virtually every time.

Johnson and Smith dont have to make those kinda catches. Seems like Worley throws it right to them.

Are they just where they're supposed to be?
A lot of people really need to watch the whole replay. Worley took a huge hit as he released the ball. Peyton wouldn't have gotten the ball in stride to North with the hit that Worley took.
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A lot of people really need to watch the whole replay. Worley took a huge hit as he released the ball. Peyton wouldn't have gotten the ball in stride to North with the hit that Worley took.

Wouldn't bet on that with Peyton...but it was a hard throw.

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