The Masked Singer

Everyone who wants to talk about politics should talk about politics. If you don't want to hear the opinion of an athlete or actor tune them out. Personally, I tune out the politicians.
Then go on a show about politics (FOX and CNN have plenty of these) and express your politics. Sports, movies, TV shows... I watch these things to be entertained. Athletes and actors are paid to entertain. They are not paid to use their platforms to espouse their political beliefs, and frankly, I don't want to see it. Athletes and actors should separate their politics from their work, much like many other Americans do. The fact they get paid out the ass to play games or create fantastical worlds doesn't mean they should get to live by a different set of rules. Certain subjects do not need to be discussed in a workplace, among those politics and religion.

When I turn on a game, I want to watch that game, not have it sidetracked because some athlete feels like he/she wants to use their workplace to mug for their cause du jour. When I watch a TV show or a movie, I'm looking to escape reality, not have some actor shove their politics in my face. Do that **** on your own time, and honestly, it would mean more if they did it on their own time. If their convictions are that strong, take time away from your work to fight for your causes rather than doing it while you're on the clock getting paid (probably obscene amounts of money).
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Then go on a show about politics (FOX and CNN have plenty of these) and express your politics. Sports, movies, TV shows... I watch these things to be entertained. Athletes and actors are paid to entertain. They are not paid to use their platforms to espouse their political beliefs, and frankly, I don't want to see it. Athletes and actors should separate their politics from their work, much like many other Americans do. The fact they get paid out the ass to play games or create fantastical worlds doesn't mean they should get to live by a different set of rules. Certain subjects do not need to be discussed in a workplace, among those politics and religion.

When I turn on a game, I want to watch that game, not have it sidetracked because some athlete feels like he/she wants to use their workplace to mug for their cause du jour. When I watch a TV show or a movie, I'm looking to escape reality, not have some actor shove their politics in my face. Do that **** on your own time, and honestly, it would mean more if they did it on their own time. If their convictions are that strong, take time away from your work to fight for your causes rather than doing it while you're on the clock getting paid (probably obscene amounts of money).

I'm fine with Dr Ken announcing to the world that he's a liberal but walking off the stage shows that he's also divisive and hateful. It's those qualities more than politics that's hurting our country right now. Why can't we all get along? If it were Hillary Clinton I would have clapped, mildly smiled and maybe even shook her hand. That's the classy thing to do. We need more class and less divisiveness in America today. Similar things have happened on The View. It sure appears that it's liberals who can't seem to get along with conservatives today

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