The "Merry Christmas" Thread

Originally posted by LadyinOrange@Dec 18, 2004 1:01 AM
Merry Christmas everybody!! Guess what?? I got a peek at Santa's list andI sawwhat some folks are getting for Christmas!!!

la.lovesorange is getting a house in KNOXVILLE, Tennesse.

Merry Christmas Vol fans!!


Thank you my dear!!!!! I love you too!!!!!!!! :good: :D :thumbsup: :p



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Yeah merry christmas to the greastest fans on earth. Vols fans. My birthday was the day of the SEC championship and it sucked. so maybe i can get i good christmas present, a cotton bowl win. :D
Merry Christmas and Happy New years to the entire Volnation ( yeah even you chowder head board crashers....good will to all men)
Merry Christmas to everyone on the board and to all Vol fan around the world! :thumbsup: Don't forget the true meaning of the holiday season. :good:
Christmas is not just giving and receiving presents for the holiday season, it's getting the one true gift that mankind needs. Don't forget to think of those who are less fortunate than we are and if you can give them something in the way of food, clothing or whatever you can afford. Some of these things can be given through charity during the Christmas season. Enjoy the season of festivities and hope that you'll be able to get together with loved ones. If traveling, be careful on your journey and we look forward to having you back after Christmas or after the first of the year (if you're staying that long).
happy holidays!!

this has to be the greatest site i have discoverd this year.

go vols!! beat the aggs!!
Merry Christmas to all! And, to all a better New Year's than recent memories -- hopefully no sticks and coal in our Big Orange Bowl Game stocking.

Clark would be proud.
Merry Christmas from my family to all of yours.
Be safe!
GO VOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Merry Christmas everyone! I hope that everyone has a wonderful and safe holiday. Enjoy!!
Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Greetings VolNation........NCGatorBait invited me over and I thought this would be an appropriate day to introduce myself. Merry Christmas, may you and your family be blessed on this glorious day and throughout the coming years.

Sorry NCGator for taking so long to get over here but the traffic was horrible.......... :lol:
Merry Christmas to you, too

But I am the reigning Oregon resident around these parts. Where do you hail from in this great state?
Originally posted by milohimself@Dec 25, 2004 3:09 PM
Merry Christmas to you, too

But I am the reigning Oregon resident around these parts. Where do you hail from in this great state?

I live in Salem......and you??

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