Who buys this BS?
Don't hate the player, hate the game!
During his speech he claimed the bill had been stalled by purely political tactics and we must put politics aside. Then he mischaracterized the opposition, misrepresented criticisms and exaggerated what his bill would do. He also took political shots at the opposition.
Doesn't every president act like this? I don't think Obama is unique to this type of behavior. Clinton did it Republican opposition. Bush did these things to Democratic opposition. Doesn't make it right either way it goes.
Doesn't every president act like this? I don't think Obama is unique to this type of behavior. Clinton did it Republican opposition. Bush did these things to Democratic opposition. Doesn't make it right either way it goes.
That's just it OB2.
The man was elected on the idea that he wouldn't play the game. Turns out, he's an all-star.
I expect him to be a politician. It's the constant denial from him that he's a politician 2 seconds before or after he makes a blatant political move or statement that I'm referring to.
Small case in point. He tries to score political points and diminish Cantor's comments by accusing him of using the massive bill as a "prop". Next time we see him, he has a bunch of docs lined up behind him when he lays out the HC bill (that is virtually unchanged). How do we know they are docs? He has them dressed in white lab coats or scrubs (at least they had them dressed properly this time and didn't have to hand out lab coats). I'd say he out propped Cantor with this move.
During his speech he claimed the bill had been stalled by purely political tactics and we must put politics aside. Then he mischaracterized the opposition, misrepresented criticisms and exaggerated what his bill would do. He also took political shots at the opposition.
I repeat - I expect him to be a politician. It's annoying as heck though that he spends so much effort to persuade people that he's not.
It is part of his massive credibility slide.
My take on this is he is using the status quo to fulfill that campaign promise. I think the tactic, which is what it is, was designed to point out to the American people that in order to facilitate the promised change. they are forcing me to use the existing, inherit and entrenched methodology in a way that is not what i personally prefer. But am perfectly capable of operating on some level less than my personal preferences. Every action he has taken while in office leads me to this conclusion. If the opposition won't act on a more civil level then use the current system to beat them over the head with it. To show and enforce the mind set that their is a better way to behave, operate and interact. Even though he clearly does not prefer to operate on that level. And you know what it seems to be working.
From day one he has operated in the same way, the partisan if you disagree with me mentality I'll exclude you and do it anyway approach.
I didn't expect anything less from him, for those that said he was going to take a more centrist approach I would say at what point in his career did he give you any reason to believe this would be true? For those like you who believe he is doing things this way out of necessity I would say you bought into the gimmick, even when those that weren't caught up in the mania were doing everything they could to show you you were buying into a slogan or bumper sticker. Obama past political affiliations were all you needed to know that he was of the "the ends justify the means" crowd and he is giving you classic examples even now while telling you he isn't.
In Obama's defense...thus far anyway....he could have pushed some far left wing socialist UHC crap down our collective throats if he wanted to.
I say "thus far" because that is probably what he will end up doing anyway. But yes, you are right, on just about everything else he has moved significantly to the left.
In Obama's defense...thus far anyway....he could have pushed some far left wing socialist UHC crap down our collective throats if he wanted to.
I say "thus far" because that is probably what he will end up doing anyway. But yes, you are right, on just about everything else he has moved significantly to the left.
He tried to do just that and if he had is way I believe he still would. The saving grace (for those who are opposed to UHC) is that the American public sent a very clear and distinct message that it was unacceptable and the vast majority of congress and the senate will never buy into and back Obama's plan all the way for fear it will spell political suicide for them. IMO that is all that has stopped Obama to this point.
His lamenting about politics while practicing politics. It is so damn annoying.
Who buys this BS?
No one.
Just like they didn't buy it when Bush, Clinton, Bush, Regan, Carter, Ford, Lincoln, or Adams did it, either.
Know what I find annoying?
That someone would claim that this is a uniquely Obama practice! Every president (Senator and Congressman, too) does this, claiming to be above the fray.
No one.
Just like they didn't buy it when Bush, Clinton, Bush, Regan, Carter, Ford, Lincoln, or Adams did it, either.
Know what I find annoying?
That someone would claim that this is a uniquely Obama practice! Every president (Senator and Congressman, too) does this, claiming to be above the fray.