I live in Georgia. I have a Power T on the back of my car. Am I committing the most heinous crime in Georgia?
Ladies and gentlemen: the story you are about to hear is true. The names haven't been changed because when it comes to crime, nobody is innocent.
My partner and I listened to an indignant Milehigh Vol. He recounted the crime he claimed to have witnessed. The one chief had assigned Frank and me to investigate. Despite a lack of evidence a crime had occurred. Milehighvol gave us three dubious suspects. The first was a flirtatious femme fatale, one Jody Fairbanks. She moved from Alabama to Tennessee to escape an overly possessive boyfriend who was exhibiting increasingly dangerous behavior. She'd only recently gotten her Tennessee tags. Next was Donny Jung, a devout family man originally from Birmingham, Alabama. On moving to the state, his wife had gotten a job to help with family expenses. To make commutes easier, he bought her the only car they could afford. A nice running '78 Olds once owned by the Italian Stallion, Johnny Musso. The last suspect was Tony Stoc, a poor block who'd lost his job 4 months ago in Mobile, Alabama. He'd moved Chattanooga in hopes of finding work. In the meantime, he was living in his car, doing the best he could. Spent his job hunting breaks listening to the car's radio for Vols news, games, or whatever station had anything about the Vols on it.
None of them had either gotten around to scraping off the Tide decal, and some couldn't afford to pay for having it removed. The investigation determined that the Milehighvol claim was less an actual crime than it was an out of control imagination. My partner and I love imagination. But investigating them wastes city resource. Or in this case, Volnation patrons' time.
Just jerking you around, Milehigh. I consider VN as one of my uh, ahem, creative outlets cause it has so much material to play around with.