To bad the refs don't know there ass from a hole in the ground... Just in the first half
2 missed pass interferences
4 missed holdings
1 missed fumble..
Somebody got paid tonight
And a few hits to the head
I hate I missed it, but I was in high school in NW Georgia at the time.
Our deficiencies in certain aspects are obvious to anyone watching. Our youth has us going in right direction. For me, however, the most important thing I saw tonight was no one packed it. No one quit. Every player played balls out until the final whistle. Didn't get some breaks. Few calls here; couple bounces there, and we were within one score with 9 min left.
Shortly after he made his trailer park comment... I forget which game it was (I was far from sober) but the ESPN crew was there... Thought they'd hang out in the old city after bad-mouthing us. My unit had a home-site drill, and that knuckle-head shows up... We let him know he wasn't welcome...