"The new GOP buzzword: Facism"

I guess comparing this to the Cold War was ineffective so we dropped down to WWII. Soon we'll be comparing this to declaring independence from King George....oh, wait! That's on January 20, 2009.
If anyone knows about Facism, it's the Bush administration.
What does fascism have to do with the world's troubles? Someone likes to grasp at straws and take things out of context.
What does fascism have to do with the world's troubles? Someone likes to grasp at straws and take things out of context.

Yes calling Bush a Fascist is not taking things out of context huh? Or is it you just want to talk with me?
Um...I never knew I called him a fascist first of all. Second of all I just asked what your comment had to do with someone saying Bush would know about fascism.
Not that I desire to converse with you...just wondering what your comment had to do with what was said.
Um...I never knew I called him a fascist first of all. Second of all I just asked what your comment had to do with someone saying Bush would know about fascism.

I did not say you called him one, but you were playing off of my comment about someone else doing it. My comment was in general about people who think like "this", Bush as a fascist. I feel they think America is the world's problem.
I did not say you called him one, but you were playing off of my comment about someone else doing it. My comment was in general about people who think like "this", Bush as a fascist. I feel they think America is the world's problem.
No I don't think America is the world's problem. I do think that King George is a big part of what is wrong with the world though.
Some one beat me to it........New Slogan for Democrats...

"Embrace socialism, it sure beats autonomy!"

Not that I should ask, but how is Bush a fascist?

I do not care for Bush, unfortunately he was better than any alternative we had.

Can you honestly compare him legitimately to any fascist dictator? Just one?
Well for one, you can say we definitely have a fascist tone of late. Basically, the state/nation is elevated to supreme stature. The leader is right there as well. He is the guiding force of this state and his agenda is the national agenda. Anyone who speaks ill of it is deemed a traitor while all diehard supporters are patriots and Godfearing loyalists. Frankly even those on the Right who think Bush has us going down the wrong directions are called turncoats, RINO's, traitors, etc. We are seeing Constitutional rights be abused and questioned...all in the name of purging an enemy.

I see parallels between now and the fascist ideas of the 20's and 30's. While the extremes are different, the underlying tone is still there.
Welcome to the RINO club.......

You are arguing tone, do you think Bush will become a dictator?

*On a side note, that reminds me of smokedog and his Reichstag 9/11 comparison.

“Congressmen who willfully take actions during wartime that damage morale and undermine the military are saboteurs and should be arrested, exiled, or hanged.”

-President Abraham Lincoln
Well for one, you can say we definitely have a fascist tone of late. Basically, the state/nation is elevated to supreme stature. The leader is right there as well. He is the guiding force of this state and his agenda is the national agenda. Anyone who speaks ill of it is deemed a traitor while all diehard supporters are patriots and Godfearing loyalists. Frankly even those on the Right who think Bush has us going down the wrong directions are called turncoats, RINO's, traitors, etc. We are seeing Constitutional rights be abused and questioned...all in the name of purging an enemy.

I see parallels between now and the fascist ideas of the 20's and 30's. While the extremes are different, the underlying tone is still there.

I am no Bush supporter. But if he were a true Fascist he would not have to worry about detractors, a la, Biden, Pelosi, whoever. He could just kill them.
I certainly don't agree with everything Bush says, and although amusing to listen too, he doesn't get the respect Reagan did. Rogue nations feared Reagan and believed what he said. Nobody likes terrorism, yet no one wants to go to war over it. Everyone loved W until the war on terrorism had been underway for a few months and soldiers started dying. Maybe he should have been more specific with the details of the war on terror? Maybe he should have fired Rumsfeld? How would Reagan have handled it?
I think Reagan would have actually went after Osama and made an example of him. Either killing or capturing him would have showed that the US always gets their guy and will move swift to seek justice. Consider it the right to a speedy trial in Osama's case. Reagan would have made sure the man who was responsible for the murder of 3000 Americans got his comeuppance right quick.
How so? I am not defending him, just asking a question.
By starting unnecessary wars. We've been in Iraq for three years now, and what have we accomplished. Iraq is in chaos, and on the brink of civil war. We've lost over 3000 men and women with no end in sight. We have no mission to speak of, and no exit strategy. There were no weapons, and no links to the terrorists who attacked us.

Meanwhile, the man responsible for 9/11 is still at large, and still planning attacks. He puts out periodic videos calling the muslim terrorists to jihad, and scoffing at the United States.

While trying to be the president who is tough on terror, our borders are virtually open to anybody who wants to cross them. I realize that it has been that way for years, but you would think one of the main priorities in the war on terror would be securing our borders. Terrorists or anybody else can cross our border at will.

He ignores the Geneva Convention's rules barring the torture of POWs. He spies on American citizens.
By starting unnecessary wars. We've been in Iraq for three years now, and what have we accomplished. Iraq is in chaos, and on the brink of civil war. We've lost over 3000 men and women with no end in sight. We have no mission to speak of, and no exit strategy. There were no weapons, and no links to the terrorists who attacked us.

Meanwhile, the man responsible for 9/11 is still at large, and still planning attacks. He puts out periodic videos calling the muslim terrorists to jihad, and scoffing at the United States.

While trying to be the president who is tough on terror, our borders are virtually open to anybody who wants to cross them. I realize that it has been that way for years, but you would think one of the main priorities in the war on terror would be securing our borders. Terrorists or anybody else can cross our border at will.

He ignores the Geneva Convention's rules barring the torture of POWs. He spies on American citizens.

Not sure I see a very strong case of him being the world's problem there in your response. Also, people need to get off the whole "he spies on American citizens" thing. That has been going on long before he was President.
By starting unnecessary wars. We've been in Iraq for three years now, and what have we accomplished. Iraq is in chaos, and on the brink of civil war. We've lost over 3000 men and women with no end in sight. We have no mission to speak of, and no exit strategy. There were no weapons, and no links to the terrorists who attacked us.

Meanwhile, the man responsible for 9/11 is still at large, and still planning attacks. He puts out periodic videos calling the muslim terrorists to jihad, and scoffing at the United States.

While trying to be the president who is tough on terror, our borders are virtually open to anybody who wants to cross them. I realize that it has been that way for years, but you would think one of the main priorities in the war on terror would be securing our borders. Terrorists or anybody else can cross our border at will.

He ignores the Geneva Convention's rules barring the torture of POWs. He spies on American citizens.

Americans killed at Pearl Harbor 2,403 (mostly military)
Americans killed on September 11th 2,752 (mostly civilian)

Americans that died serving their country during WWII (somewhere around 400,000-500,000)
Americans that have died serving their country during the War Aganist Terror (2641)

WWII basiclly lasted 4 years I think were a little short on the death toll there. It's a freaking WAR, heros are going to die!

Dont get me wrong I dont enjoy war but wars are just a fact of life. There have always been wars and there will always be a war somewhere. I dont like being away from my family 6-7 months out of a year to fight the terrorists, but It has to be done.

"We have no mission to speak of"????? Our freakin mission is to keep the terrorists personnel and assests tied up off of our home soil!!(thats my personal opinion.

WMD's Your silly if you think that saddam didnt have them. Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction, WMD in Syria

" No links to the terrorists that attacked us"???? I agree that saddam did not personally train the bas**rds to fly planes but he definalty was training new terrorists. Saddam's Terror Training Camps

osama at large WE WILL CATCH HIM!! be patient

Torture: Israel has proved that its a very effective procedure to get info out of these brainwashed idiots. Im not condoning this behavior, but parading some guy around naked and scareing him with a dog aint that bad, considering what the extremist enemy does to most American's they catch. Im not gonna post a link to a video but I reccomend that everyone check on out. I you feel your self getting "soft" about the war just watch one. I anyone would like a link just email me and I will send you in the right direction. (by the way, I have had direct contact with enemy prisioners and they are treated with nothing but respect.) Each on gets a nice stylish jump suit, shoes and a new koran. And guess what, saddam is living better that most of us. Trust me Ive seen where hes on house arrest.

One thing I do agree on is we need to close our borders NOW!

It really saddens me that many american have already forgotten that day in September.

OK I will get off my soap box now. I know these thought were kinda scatter-brained, but thats just me. Scatter-brained


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