"The new GOP buzzword: Facism"

Reagan were president Gulf War I Iraq would have taken care of the job.

Reagan were president after 9/11 hmmm...................Who knows?

We would have hit a lot of countries................
Apparently when Iraq is not fighting internally and is able to defend itself externally...................
Well if we can't even defend our own borders and if 140K of America's finest can't handle that, when CAN it be accomplished?

We're over there now dealing with a religious war that has been going on for over 1200 years. What makes us think we can even solve this? No matter how hard we train Iraqi forces, this religious conflict is going to exist. It will continue to exist with a soft government in power.

So essentially, we can expect to be there for the long haul.
We could always turn it into glass...................................

If every one hates us......why not drop a few nukes here and there................:ermm: :dunno: :confused:
We could always turn it into glass...................................

If every one hates us......why not drop a few nukes here and there................:ermm: :dunno: :confused:

Everyone says that, but that's not even close to being an option. Our best hope now is that Israel takes them out. They can get away with it and we can't.
Everyone says that, but that's not even close to being an option. Our best hope now is that Israel takes them out. They can get away with it and we can't.

We can get away with it, our leadership just has too much PC stuck up their a$$ to do anything about it.
Israel is not exempt from the PC nonsense either. Why do you think they had to back out of Lebanon, still not have their soldiers back, and negotiating peace with a world renowned terrorist group?
Yea, no one is exempt from it, but some people cave into and some don't. Olmert caved as Bush has.
Herksrus. First off, welcome to Volnation. It's a great place to hang out!:dance2:

Americans killed at Pearl Harbor 2,403 (mostly military)
Americans killed on September 11th 2,752 (mostly civilian)
Two totally different circumstances.
Americans that died serving their country during WWII (somewhere around 400,000-500,000)
Americans that have died serving their country during the War Aganist Terror (2641)
Again, what does one have to do with the other?
WWII basiclly lasted 4 years I think were a little short on the death toll there. It's a freaking WAR, heros are going to die!
Of course they are, but that dosen't answer the question of whether this war is justified. IMO no.
"We have no mission to speak of"????? Our freakin mission is to keep the terrorists personnel and assests tied up off of our home soil!!(thats my personal opinion.
I thought our mission was to find and destroy Saddam's WMD.
WMD's Your silly if you think that saddam didnt have them. Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction, WMD in Syria
Then where are they?
" No links to the terrorists that attacked us"???? I agree that saddam did not personally train the bas**rds to fly planes but he definalty was training new terrorists. Saddam's Terror Training Camps
Which is why we should be going after the ones who were actually responsible instead of Saddam. Look, Momar Quadafi has been harboring terrorists and training terrorists for more than two decades too, but all of a sudden we are all chummy with him and his regime. Why aren't we toppling the Lybian regime?
osama at large WE WILL CATCH HIM!! be patient
I certainly hope so. But we should have been going after him for three years now instead of Saddam.
I you feel your self getting "soft" about the war just watch one.
It's not getting "soft" about the war because I believe that we went after the wrong target. I think that Bush thought that we would be in and out in a matter of months like we were in 91, and he would come out of it as the big hero just like daddy did. He got more than he bargained for.
It really saddens me that many american have already forgotten that day in September.
It really saddens me that the Bush supporters keep trying to use this drivel against those of us who oppose this war. Nobody has forgotten Sept 11.

Just a note. For some reason the fonts are all out of whack. I didn't enlarge and highlight my responses on purpose. I don't know what's up:dunno:
Man I gotta say one more thing, and I know this doesnt explain why where there or why the war was started.

These radical ismlamic militant hate us. They want the entire earth to be just like them. I dont even think they would try to convert a Christian or Jew. They want all of us dead and they are willing to do what ever it takes to make that happen. I dont think some people can comprehend that. They want me dead, they want you dead, they want your children dead, they want my children dead. Can you understand that?

and by the way, nothing but love here for ya.

Bill Prince

Man I gotta say one more thing, and I know this doesnt explain why where there or why the war was started.

These radical ismlamic militant hate us. They want the entire earth to be just like them. I dont even think they would try to convert a Christian or Jew. They want all of us dead and they are willing to do what ever it takes to make that happen. I dont think some people can comprehend that. They want me dead, they want you dead, they want your children dead, they want my children dead. Can you understand that?

and by the way, nothing but love here for ya.

Bill Prince

Bill, first off, thank you for your service to this great nation. I respect everyone who serves, especially in the USAF. I was in the USAF during the 91 gulf war.

Now, in response to your post. I completely agree with everything you've said here. The question is what do we do about it. IMO, the only way we will ever be rid of the threat from islamic militants is to completely eradicate islam from the face of the earth. Is the United States prepared to do that? I don't seriously think so. With that understood, we have to pick our battles. In my opinion, Saddam was no threat. For that matter, he had the most secular regime in the region. He used Islam when it was to his advantage, but he was not really a practicing muslim. Was he a despot? Absolutely! But I put Saddam on the same level as Castro. He is a danger to his own people, but really not a threat to the rest of the world.

Here's the issue with me. While we have been bogged down in Iraq for the past three years, North Korea has been building their nuclear arsenal, and Iran is on the verge of doing the same. Both of these countries pose an immediate threat to the United States and the rest of the world, but there is little we can do about it because we are committed in Iraq.
But I put Saddam on the same level as Castro. He is a danger to his own people, but really not a threat to the rest of the world.

Hope you don't mind me jumping in on this one.

A couple issues:

1. At the time, the entire world believed he had WMD. He had used them in the past and he had been supporting terrorism directly. It was pretty obvious that he'd be willing to share his WMD.

2. He was contained via sanctions but now we all know how that containment was eroding. The Oil for Food program was fueling his coffers. He maintained all his WMD capabilities and there was sentiment to relax sanctions even more. In short, the UN and its backers were weakening in their containment resolve.

3. The mid-east is much more critical than Cuba. Saddam already destabilized the area once by invading and occupying Kuwait.

4. Saddam had repeatedly and consistently violated the will of the UN even going so far as to kick out the inspectors.

For all these reasons, Saddam was considered to be a major threat to the rest of the world in a way that Castro could only dream of.
1. At the time, the entire world believed he had WMD. He had used them in the past and he had been supporting terrorism directly. It was pretty obvious that he'd be willing to share his WMD.
Believe it or not, I agree with you. At the time, I actually supported the war because I believed that he had a stockpile of WMD. I've obviously changed my opinion over the past three years.

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