The New War On Terror

Setting policy and pushing through laws at the peak of intense emotions is a terrible idea, but Democrats of course won’t let any crisis go to waste. And if you’re not for them, then that means you’re not against “domestic terrorism” which makes you an extremist.

I expect they’re going to use the events at the Capitol as justification to go after Trump supporters and conservative groups. Which of course is not unprecedented. The Obama admin did it, and will probably now look like child’s play.
Of course setting policy and pushing through laws at the peak of intense emotions is a terrible idea, but Democrats of course won’t let any crisis go to waste. Anyone who disagrees with them must by then by default be for “domestic terrorism” and themselves be an extremist.

I expect they’re going to use the events at the Capitol as justification to go after Trump supporters and conservative groups. Of course which is not unprecedented. The Obama admin did it, and will probably now look like child’s play.

In the name of peace and security they will use every means available to them.
Posted on Wednesday:
-- and DHS and NSA just had their budgets quadrupled ---MAGA!
I hope everyone realizes how perfect this sh**show is for the ruling class--and how bad it is for the People. We are more divided than ever and this action today will hyper-accelerate the ongoing fissures in our society. The oligarchy has been given a free pass to consolidate power even more. Blue or Red in charge--it doesn’t matter.

You mean like the 574 riots that caused over two billion in damages and injury to 2,000 plus police officers? Oh wait that was peaceful protesters
Hey, he condemned those guys multiple times. Look it up. Also your numbers are made up.

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