The Next Day Through Sober Eyes Thread

That sounds great and all but I thought CBJ didn't run a scheme but schemed based on strengths, which didn't happen yesterday. Having Worley run the read-option is the definition of insanity.

it's the only scheme Worley knows. So you would rather him run a system where he has no clue what he's doing?

He's mobile, just not Tebow/Vick/RGIII mobile and the talent on this team sucks. He had no open receivers to throw to. It wasn't as simple as Worley not knowing what to do. Oregon effectively shut down every aspect of Tennessee's offense.
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Guys it's this scheme . It will not work without a running QB who runs some times . This is not a scheme for our players. We are in for a long season!

If that's the case, we should be having a long season getting another QB some starting snaps....which I hope happens soon. Not only can Worley not run, but he can't throw and he gets super panicked the second a defender breaks through. He seems to be watching for that at the snap of the ball. He needs to be pulled now.
The O line was doing well with run blocking (commentators were praising them for it!)...until Oregon realized Worley was not a significant pass threat. Then, they just focused on run stopping. Oregon pulled away, and it got worse, because the passing game was needed more. Worley seems like a good kid, but I just don't think he has it. The receiving Corp, while young, is big and talented. I really don't think they are the problem. Can't lay it all on him, but he's a significant factor. Defensively, the team is very weak and thin, but we all knew that. I think the score and turnovers against WKU overshadowed the amount of yardage given up. I was afraid Oregon would gash them.

TL;DR: I still believe in Butch and this team, but they still have a long way to go. With more talent, depth, experience in all phases, the system will work, IMO.
Look for lineup changes during the first bye week

We have a bunch of studs we have been holding out? The only change that would be an improvement is at running back. Neal is a timid runner. I don't care how strong or fast he is. He can't find the holes in a zone scheme and is always looking to bounce outside. I think Lane, Hill, and Summerhill are all more effective than he is.
Not only runningback but QB as well. There is a business maxim that states people rise to the level of their incompetence and I think Worley has reached his ceiling. He may be a great kid, and was a great player in high school but this game is faster and he is not .
As someone said, we just got owned. Not because of effort or frankly scheme, but just talent and depth.

Now as for scheme: I like what we are doing but is Worley the right guy? If he cannot be considered a threat to keep and run with the ball then the answer is no. And it appears after 3 games his arm and accuracy don't make up for any running discrepancies.

As for the O-line: I think they are good as advertised. But last year they really only needed to pass block as Bray was going to sling a lot. This year, with Worley, its the opposite. But I don't care how good of a line you have, if your QB is not a running threat nor a passing threat, the o- line has limitations regardless how good

Overall we expected to lose this game. Frankly most of us just hoped it would be close so we could walk out with the "moral victory". Perhaps considering where we are with depth and talent in tandem with the scheme they want to implement long term, it was just too much to hope for.

Remember VN- our Mt Everest this year is simply to go bowling irrespective of who we beat or lose to along the way. Nothing more nor less. If we do, it's a great season. If we do, the Oregon game is nothing more than a building block.

On to Florida.....
The reality is that Worley cant get the job done!!!

The reality is its not just Worley. Its our under achieving OL, our thin as paper DL, slow azz linebackers, young as hell .....everywhere it seems, secondary that makes me want to yank my truck into the nearest ditch just thinking of them....Truth of it is the coaches have seen way way more of these qbs than us and if Worley is as bad as he seems to be, I feel sick at my stomach at the thought of how bad the other three are.
I really wanted our team to be better than what I saw yesterday , and they may yet suprise me, but the fact remains that right now they are not. I hope that Coach can keep the momentum in recruiting through the next couple of years cause after yesterday it showed me that its gonna take a lot more than one good class to turn this train wreck around.
Anyways I will always love my vols and still trust that Butch is our guy and he will get us there. Its just going to take A LOT longer than first thought. GO VOLS!!!
The reality is its not just Worley. Its our under achieving OL, our thin as paper DL, slow azz linebackers, young as hell .....everywhere it seems, secondary that makes me want to yank my truck into the nearest ditch just thinking of them....Truth of it is the coaches have seen way way more of these qbs than us and if Worley is as bad as he seems to be, I feel sick at my stomach at the thought of how bad the other three are.
I really wanted our team to be better than what I saw yesterday , and they may yet suprise me, but the fact remains that right now they are not. I hope that Coach can keep the momentum in recruiting through the next couple of years cause after yesterday it showed me that its gonna take a lot more than one good class to turn this train wreck around.
Anyways I will always love my vols and still trust that Butch is our guy and he will get us there. Its just going to take A LOT longer than first thought. GO VOLS!!!

I think our O line is fine given the circumstances. Your comment about LBs is a good one. As much as AJ is solid against the run, he gets roasted alot on underneath passing routes where he is responsible for coverage.
Well, I for one may have had some knee jerk reactions to the game yesterday. Each year I do the same thing. I go into the season hoping against hope to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Despite all of the glaring facts that point to our team not being close to being where we all want them to be, I allow myself to believe in miracles. Like everyone else, I am frustrated and I am guilty of allowing it to get the better of me. Our team is so far away from where it needs to be that it is difficult to know where to begin. A fact that the coaching staff and most media outlets have been saying all along. A fact that I didn't want to believe but the proof was painfully on national display yesterday. I don't know what the answers are, but it won't get fixed over night.
Our team is very young in areas and very thin everywhere. There is no quarterback stepping up to the challenge. We have no SEC big tough running back that is capable of punishing defenses. To add to that, it feels like the OL, supposedly our strength, is underachieving. The defense is still getting burnt because of youth and outright lack of talent.
It is what it is and it's pretty bad right now. I still have faith that we can get there, it's just going to take time. I am just going to have to constantly remind myself of these things the next month or so as we enter the meat grinder of the schedule.
Sorry for the long winded speech. Keep the faith and GBO.

This is a well thought out and reasonable post. It is very easy to get wrapped up in all of the shortcomings during the game, and let emotions be controlled by the immediate situations. I'm surprised I didn't break the TV yesterday.

That said, one of the announcers mentioned how we have fallen so far from the top. The firing of Fulmer, the Kiffen recruiting and bolting debacle, and for some reason players never really bought in to Dooley (probably major personality issues I suppose). On the bright side of things, they also said that we have currently the top 3 recruiting class. We have not seen that high of a recruiting class in quite some time. If CBJ can recruit that well on a continued basis, we can only get better with the talent that will come in.

I believe CBJ's system can work in the SEC. We as fans must learn to be patient. It is painful right now, but I really believe the investment CBJ is putting into this team will bring a big return. It is like coach said...this team needs to learn to win. While talent levels are down from where they need to be, a winning attitude will have a positive affect on every new recruit, instilling in them that we expect to be winners.
it ain't the scheme it's the coaching, change your scheme to fit the wild cat or what ever to win don't be hard headed and stupid trying to fit a triangle in a ninja star hole.
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it ain't the scheme it's the coaching, change your scheme to fit the wild cat or what ever to win don't be hard headed and stupid trying to fit a triangle in a ninja star hole.

This but don't dare speak out against King Jones you will get called a troll. It's painfully obvious he is just another Dooley and people will start to realize this as the season goes on.

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