Well fellas, Congrats to Army.
Sitting in the stands you could tell Army wanted it more. I kept thinking the Navy crowd would amp up but it never did.
Even with the lose, one of the greatest experience ive ever had. It was cold, but the snow was fun. Philly concessions are good, but take forever. Staff is worse than rude. But other than that, it is something everyone should do once. Gameday and tailgating is awesome. Fanzone had a to of stuff to check out, my son really loved it. Crowd is awesome. March on was awesome. Game was outstanding, other than that fg being a little wide.
Funny story, i had an encounter with some young kids at WalMart in Delaware Friday night, all good just funny. Turns out they where USMA students. One of them actually stopped me at the game, remembered me, shook my hand.
All in all, great time. Until next year fellas....