The Official #4 Tennessee vs #14 Alabama Game Thread, Saturday 8pm/ESPN

His positive comments were at least 65% slanted towards bama. He also kept calling fouls against us but I don’t remember any he commented on against bama. Dude really is biased, and a total douche canoe slobbering all over the team that just lost at home!
Hey Bilas, don't hate us cause you ain't us.
Gainey makes a few dumb plays but when he gets the ball it's like he is drawn to the hoop like a magnet. He puts his head down, makes the defense rotate and forces the action every time. He is exactly what this team needed to help avoid those scoring droughts. Nice game yesterday in the 1st half.
His “Money” calls are the most annoying thing I’ve ever heard from a sports broadcaster. Thankfully I don’t have to listen to him during the games.
It does get old--and sometimes meaningless, like when a player finally hits on his sixth attempt of the night! A shout of "Money!" at that point sounds suspiciously like the Fed calling for another round of quantum easing.

On a first make after a night of futility, I'd respect him more if he yelled, "Found some loose change!"

But give our radio team their due: at least they're always talking about the game they're calling. Can't say that about anyone now calling games on TV that I'm aware of.
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It does get old--and sometimes meaningless, like when a player finally hits on his sixth attempt of the night! A shout of "Money!" at that point sounds suspiciously like the Fed calling for another round of quantum easing.

On a first make after a night of futility, I'd respect him more if he yelled, "Found some loose change!"

But give our radio team their due: at least they're always talking about the game they're calling. Can't say that about anyone now calling games on TV that I'm aware of.
When I watch a game on TV, I’m focused on the action and barely notice what the announcers have to say. I don’t understand the constant complaining from many of our fans, but to each their own.
Did anybody else notice the blatant bias in the entire broadcast last night? Last time I checked were number four and the winner of the game takes control the first place but you wouldn’t know it listening to them! Bilas would not call Tennessee plays. He also sounded drunk.

Hope Bilas had a few. Hope He cant control it. He a Azz.
Their defense isn’t built for a deep run. Like you said, those 3s don’t fall one night in their large and weird arenas, a pretty common occurrence, and it’s lights out.

Agree. Even last night, they went cold at the end, allowing us to win.

last 15 minutes of this is fun. Seeing fans stroll out the doors after losing the game day big event. Announcers deflated and defeated.

Thanks for posting that! Fascinating! Where did you find that feed? Does our radio crew offer the same?

Having not yet seen any of the game--except for a replay of Mashack's 3 from the corner and then immediate interception of Bama's next pass--I looked for and watched the Bama radio crew in the minutes leading up to that critical point in the game. Very satisfying.

Also interesting was the lone, short sleeve orange shirted guy in the background, who showed no reaction at all. Just kept his arms crossed.

Must've been at the game with his father-in-law who also bought the tickets.

Self control is always to be admired.
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When I watch a game on TV, I’m focused on the action and barely notice what the announcers have to say. I don’t understand the constant complaining from many of our fans, but to each their own.
For me, I'm looking/listening for added information from the announcers--the things I can't see, or don't know enough to realize its significance.

They overhear stuff on the court, can see what's happening on the bench or with the coaches, usually have a better inside-basketball or coach's knowledge of the game and can explain what an offense or defense is trying to do, or explain why they were unsuccessful on a given possession. I like to learn while I watch.

That's why it irritates me to no end that TV announcers will call an entire game without alerting us to substitutions. That's just basic information and utterly pertinent to the game!

How sad that, to get that information, I'd have to listen to the radio call. The radio announcers are having to create a visual from their words, and yet they still take the time to let us know who came in for whom... and maybe offer an opinion why.

Apologies for using your post to vent my own gripes. But I feel better now. Thanks.
Go Big Orange!
It does get old--and sometimes meaningless, like when a player finally hits on his sixth attempt of the night! A shout of "Money!" at that point sounds suspiciously like the Fed calling for another round of quantum easing.

On a first make after a night of futility, I'd respect him more if he yelled, "Found some loose change!"

But give our radio team their due: at least they're always talking about the game they're calling. Can't say that about anyone now calling games on TV that I'm aware of.
I have tried several options to avoid the TV commentary. Since the radio coverage on 99.1 and Sirius are way out of sync, I turn off the TV sound and leave it off during play, when play stops I turn on the UT commentators. This avoids the bias coverages and is more enjoyable.
I got a lot done this morning, in hopes that when I get back, Freak will have returned safely and posted the game video. Can't wait to relax and watch it!
His “Money” calls are the most annoying thing I’ve ever heard from a sports broadcaster. Thankfully I don’t have to listen to him during the games.
I can see how that would be annoying if you're the opponent fan base, kinda like hearing rocky top a thousand times a game. But he's our guy and a vfl so forgive him if he gets a little excited.

last 15 minutes of this is fun. Seeing fans stroll out the doors after losing the game day big event. Announcers deflated and defeated.

Do our announcers get this invested in the game? 😂 The football game where the Vols beat Bama their announcers were hilarious
“Gainey was 0-6 from the 3-line: He never fails to disappoint with his shooting”

You’re not running your mouth about final fours without Gainey

It's a fact: He's not shot well all season. I was a Gainey booster early in the year, when he wasn't shooting well. I
said no worries, he'll come 'round and be an important player for us,
because he's got a nice-looking jump shot, is athletic and can defend. His defense has been his strong suit,
but it's not happened offensively. He's been a bust as a shooter: 34 percent total, and 28% from the 3-line, the worst percentage among
our main rotation. Mashack, who's supposedly our weakest guard offensively, is shooting 38% from the 3-line--10
points better. When you play 13 minutes and take 6 threes during that brief time--only 1 fewer than DK took in 28 minutes--and miss them all, you're not helping that much. He did give us some points in the first half, and I'm sure he'll keep playing to give Ziggy a blow--but he'd help
us more by concentrating on defense and taking fewer shots.
The color guy had hardly anything to say during those final 15 mins

To watch and listen to the last 12 minutes of a losing bama performance was quite entertaining---Schadenfreude!

Nothing better as a Vol fan than to beat bama in tuscaloosa---in any sport, but especially football and basketball.

The play-by-play guy is pretty decent but he made a couple of boosterish/homerish comments that a true pro would avoid. We expect some homerism from the analyst--our guy is certainly that way--but it's not too cool from play-by-play. The analyst wasn't bad at all but he really wore his heart on his face for a few minutes around the 12-minute mark--he was grimacing and had a pained look. He was suffering, and was funny. Thanks for posting that.
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Play by play guy just takes off when the game is over, nudges the security guard out of the way, and isn't seen again. He was fuming! Seemed kind of odd that he didn't say bye or anything to the other guys.

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