I still have not figured out why ZZ was trying to call a time out with under a second left. Did he have money on Bama or something today. He almost ruined that moment
Holy crap. Mashack of all people. Sitting here for Mother-in-laws birthday at J-Alexander’s in Chattvegas watching it on my phone and waiting for us to inbound and the whole damn bar exploded and ruined my moment lol. Glad it got ruined. Son was there at the game. He went to the Florida game and this Bama game. He has to go to all the big ones from now on lol. GO mother frickin VOLS. Shack with two stone cold free throws the tie up and the dagger! NOICE!
What’s shocking is we won with ZZ playing very poorly, tons of crap calls against us and Lanier shrinking when we needed him. That’s the mark of a great team.