Wow I go to church and look what happens!! Since all this debate stems from the Busch/Earnhart Jr. wreck, I would like to give my two cents worth. First, I'm not a big fan of either driver. I admire both of their talents, and give an edge to Busch in talent. I give Jr. the edge in class. I put the biggest part of the blame for the incident on Busch, he overdrove the entry into the turn. I knew he would not stay in his lane. Hard to blame trying to win the race, but you have to keep off the other guy. While Jr. did give him some room, he did try to pinch Busch down and coupled with the 18 car getting loose, did contribute to the amount of impact. If I would have been driving the 88 car I would have done the same. And Busch did get loose, otherwise their would have not been any contact. The normal reaction to getting loose is to countersteer, which means turn right. Now Busch could have not tried to save his car and not steered right, but then he would have hit Jr. with the back end instead of the front, and both cars would have spun. I would have tried to save it and still win the race if I were in the 18 car. I really wanted Jr. to win, and think it was a shame that Busch didn't use more brains, but I also think the Junior Nation is and will take this much farther than it deserves. Busch should have been more diplomatic and contrite in his comments. What he did was much more serious than Steven Wallace the night before. That is my opinion, probably worth the two cents and no more.