The Official Make Fun of UK Basketball Thread



Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2009
THought I would steal an idea from the football forum. I am sure we can come up with some creative ideas! Between past probation, future probation, etc etc, we can make this entertaining for the week.
Cousins,Wall and Patterson all take a pay cut and go to the NBA next year. And Ky dont get put on probation under Coach Cal. lol
Didnt a former coach/analyst say that Kentucky would be on probation sooner rather than later?
For all of you VOL Fans lucky enough to not live in the state of KY or in Lexington for that matter. You have no IDEA how bad it is to live with these Idiotic UK Fans. It wasn't too bad during the Gillespie Era, but it is a complete Nightmare now. But they have no room to talk about out BBall team being Thugs. Cousins is bad enough and it sucks because he is so good too. But Im done complaining now. GO VOLS!!!!
I can't make fun of Kentucky until Tennessee beats Vanderbilt.

Best Coach Ever
I thought about a Vandy thread....but that was just too easy. I keep waiting on the obligatory UK cheerleader shots....or Ashley Judd.
AND I REPEAT...I am NOT forgetting about Vandy....just too easy a target and not enough time to develop the thread.
Joker Phillips was back visiting the new basketball coach, Coach Cal at Kentucky. They started a conversation and began arguing over who was dumber, a UK football player or a UK basketball player.

Joker said, "I hate to say this, but football players are dumber than basketball players. Watch and I'll show you". He then called in his quarterback and asked him to come into the office. The QB came in and Phillips says to him, "Here's 25 cents, go down the street to the car dealer and buy me a new Jimmy".

The QB takes the quarter and leaves. A few minutes later, he comes back in and says, "Hey Coach, I forgot to ask, what color did you want?" Phillips tells him to forget it, he's changed his mind.

After the player leaves, the new Wildcat coach says to the basketball coach, "I'm telling you, my guys are dumb!"

Calipari says "Not so fast, let me show you one of my basketball players" and promptly calls one in to the office. The coach says to Demarcus Cousins "Could you run down to my office for me and see if I'm there?"

The player starts to leave, but as he gets to the door, he stops short, turns around and says "Hey! There's a phone right there on the desk ... Can't you just call down there?" They hired him right on the spot to be Phillip's new assistant.
THought I would steal an idea from the football forum. I am sure we can come up with some creative ideas! Between past probation, future probation, etc etc, we can make this entertaining for the week.
What's the hardest part about being a Kentucky Fan?

Telling your parents that you're gay.
Why do so many people think Tennessee plays Vandy tonight?

It's tomorrow night.

We CANNOT forget about Vandy tonight. That's most important right now.
"We" can forget and talk about whoever we want. It's the players and coaches who can't overlook Vandy...and considering the last result, I don't think they're going to.
"We" can forget and talk about whoever we want. It's the players and coaches who can't overlook Vandy...and considering the last result, I don't think they're going to.

Yeah but the Kentucky game will be stupid if Tennessee loses to Vanderbilt. Tennessee has to win both games or they are all but knocked out of contention for winning the SEC.

Right now I don't care about Kentucky. I care about the team(the only team) that's beaten Tennessee at Thompson Boling. Memorial is no joke.

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