If we can avoid the boneheaded mistakes from here on out we might pull this off. Gonna take overcoming refs too though. We know its gonna get really bad down the stretch. Just hope we aren't gassed.
Fulkerson may have figured it out. Barnes has always said that he was a top tier scorer...if he could ever figure it out. Next year is going to be interesting. I love this team!
If we can avoid the boneheaded mistakes from here on out we might pull this off. Gonna take overcoming refs too though. We know its gonna get really bad down the stretch. Just hope we aren't gassed.
Seriously: no player-development criticism of Barnes, from here out. He looked like a giraffe on roller skates two years ago. Now, he's turning into a potential NBA role player.
Who's the cat that won't cop out when there's danger all about? (Fulk)
Right on
You see this cat Fulk is a bad mother (Shut your mouth)
But I'm talkin' about Fulk (Then we can dig it)