The Official Tennessee Tech @ Tennessee Game Thread Tuesday April 18, 2023 6:30 PM EST SEC NETWORK +

This is baseball at its finest. When you're in a slump, 109 exit velo line drives result in double plays. And blistered grounders find the thirdbasemans glove for another dp. When you're not slumping, slow dribblers find left field and you score on a double later.

And bloop singles.
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I still blame the ncaa and their antics for ruining what should have been a stellar season for him. He’s pressed all year because he started 10 games behind in the stats column. I do think he’s nursing a legitimate injury but he was available to play all last weekend and didn’t (after the errors). I don’t know him personally so have no idea his current mental state but I feel bad for the young man. This isn’t what he envisioned coming to UT
Appreciate your input thanks.
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Don’t like the uniforms but, that is the least of our problems. Tech players with good eyes and a lot of walks. Cmon Aaron.
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