Out of town and could only keep up on gametracker. What time did the game end? I hope I set my DVR long enough.
Big gut check win. Golden seems like a different player now.
On the time the game ended- I think we all were a bit verklempt. It's 6:30 CST now, and it has been at least a 1/2 hour since the 4th overtime's end.
While that info isn't that helpful, the game was on ESPN3 (the online free broadcast). That means you can watch the replay free as well, whether you caught it all on DVR or not.....
Game Set Match. Good Job Martin! Way to setup Stokes in the post where he has killed it the last ten minutes. Loss is on him. I get tired of us being a team that loses simply because of the Refs. How many of these games and losses must happen before people realize Martin is not that good of a coach. I am so tired of it being someone else's fault when we lose and luck when we win. I want a coach who will come in and set a tone and not expect anyone to help him on the way. A coach that wants to earn it and realizes there is not an easy way. You can only tighten up your boots and get to work. I want a coach who has the attitude of bUTch!