First off let's refocus - the debate is concerning whether or not CBP is a mediocre coach. That is the bold statement you made that you are unable to substantiate. CBP's long college coaching record in both D2 and D1 proves beyond any shadow of doubt that he is considerably above mediocre.
As for the time it takes to back up statements, google is easy and quick.
As for CBP's record at UT, it was consistently good for the first 5 years. The 6th year was not up to his standard (although still an NCAA tourney trip) and its obvious the reasons why. CBP was suspended by the SEC for a portion of the season and the program was under the Craft BBQ-gate cloud. Throw out the final season and his success was consistent during his UT tenure, both pre and post Lofton.
Concerning his best yrs being with the majority of the roster of Buzz's recruits, that is also wrong like all your other CBP complaints. 2007-8 was the 31 win season when Lofton and Smith were seniors and they were the only 2 Buzz recruits still on the rostor who were in the 8/9 man rotation. 25% of the rostor is not a majority - wrong again. Even the 24 win 2006-7 season had the freshmen class of Chism, Crews, R. Smith, and Tabb who were all in the rotation that year. And while Bradshaw was a Buzz PG recruit, I seriously doubt (my opinion, not fact) anybody but CBP would have been able to foresee him as a productive power forward.
While I enjoy a good debate, you don't hold up your end of the game. I'm done here - peace out.