The blame is moving inextricably to CCM. I've never said anything negative about the man until the last couple losses, but our talent should be playing at a much higher level. That's gotta be coaching, right?
The blame is moving inextricably to CCM. I've never said anything negative about the man until the last couple games, but our talent should be playing at a much higher level. That's gotta be coaching, right?
Just like the morons who thought we would go 7-5 in football. UT is the doormat if the SEC and probably will be for at least 5-10 more years........sad.
Just like the morons who thought we would go 7-5 in football. UT is the doormat if the SEC and probably will be for at least 5-10 more years........sad.
Man it's torture being a Tennessee fan these days. Football team sucks. Was looking forward to our basketball team doing great things this year. Doesn't even look like we're gonna make the tournament.
Man it's torture being a Tennessee fan these days. Football team sucks. Was looking forward to our basketball team doing great things this year. Doesn't even look like we're gonna make the tournament.