The Official Thanks CP Thread



Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2010
Mods move if you feel the need, but i hadn't seen one yet and with someone like this I felt it was necessary. Not that he'll ever read this, but maybe the thing I appreciated the most was how in games when the overall team effort lacked, he always seemed to show up and give 110%. VFL and I thank you CP. Good luck in the pro's and go out and rep this proud university like you did this past fall :rock:
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I never thought he would be THAT good out of JUCO.

He is one hell of a player and I wish him luck with whatever he decides to do. Most electric player with the ball in his hands that I've ever seen at UT. I thought he would score every time he had the ball.

Good luck CP!!
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Say what you will about him, but there's no denying he is one of the most explosive players you will EVER see. Sincerely hope he excels in the NFL. Sky is the limit for this guy.
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CP you were the most exciting player to wear orange since Chuck Webb. You're a legend now. I wish we could see you for another year in the Big Orange. Good luck in the NFL. Sorry you had to play for Dooley.
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TY CP!!! Just be the Devin Hester/Deion Sanders as a Returner and a Randy Moss in prime receiver. Wishes you the best of luck. Thanks for the highlight reels and looking forward for more in the NFL.
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After years and years of waiting... finally we saw electrifying punt returns and kick returns on a regular basis... Learn routes or not... CP talent will take him places!!!
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The one thing I regret about CP is that he was on this bad of a Vol team! Good luck bruh!
Posted via VolNation Mobile
One of the greatest of all time for just being here one year.. Thanks for the memories CP! One of the nicest guys you'll meet too..
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Hate to see him go. Would have loved to enjoy watching him make everyone else look like they are moving in slow motion more but he's gotta do what's best for him. I'll say the same thing I said about Hunter, good luck CP I hope you go as a high draft pick and succeed to the fullest in the NFL.
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Watched Tennessee for over 50 years. CP is one of the best I have ever seen touch a football. I have seen my share over the years.
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I watched the YouTube video someone made of him the other night and was amazed all over again. It is hard to watch that and not wonder what he could have done on a better team. Best of luck to him. He really did go all out. VFL!
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Wish we had as much to offer him, as he had to offer us.

Thanks for electrifying all of us and giving us hope!

Go tear the League up!!!! ✌
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Thank you CP, was a helluva great time watching when the ball was in your hands. Made defenders look like they were standing still and would turn something from nothing. Hope to see you for many years to come on Sundays and hoping it'll be on a team I like to watch. : )>
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Loved watching this guy play. Everytime he touched the ball, you knew something special could happen. Goodluck in the pro's!
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CP is a great talent. I appreciated that he was always playing to win. Good luck young man, and thank you for being a Vol.
He may end up being the most dynamic open field runner we may ever see in our lifetime at UT. I truly hope it translates to the NFL. I can see him being a Josh Cribbs type player at minimum with potential to be more impactful at receiver like a Roddy White or Torry Smith.
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I will miss you CP, make the NFL players look as foolish as you did UGA on this play!

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Most exciting player with the ball in his hands I have ever seen in Knoxville. To be that size and that agile and explosive is something we may not see again. Amazing talent.
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Thanks CP...but I think change is coming into your life...a smile and laughter will not get you buy at next level.

But it will he will be fun to watch.

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