The official thread where everyone tries to catch up to Joe, and Windy keeps track of who posts on the even K's

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No, the wife and I were planning on going to both races this weekend. She's as big of a NASCAR fan as I am

It's a blast, but it's been 20 years since we went to the spring race. We could never get tickets to the night race. Maybe yall can go to that one this year. A lot has changed I'm sure, wear hearing protection if you ever get to go.
You have a carry permit? If not get trained with a pistol and get one.
No. I don't have a desire to carry one. I kind of take the thought of if someone is out to kill or harm someone, a group of people, crowd, etc. then that was their intent and that was what was going to happen to that person on a given day. So if it happens to me, it happens. Not going to worry or think about it or stop me from doing anything.
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