The Official Volnation Pre-pre Season Top 10

I think it's nice to have someone on here that present's a perspective some of us Vol fans have no idea about: There are other teams still playing college football and some of them even have decent fans.
On the point of me looking at rankings. Thats right. Sadly, if you look at college football now, that is the whole point. If you don't get the rankings, you have a chance to be unfairly left out at the end because you played the wrong opponent. Auburn is the perfect example. I do also believe if TN goes undefeated, they would get a NC, but I would have said the same thing of Auburn. For that matter, I would say that of any undefeated SEC champ. If there are several one loss teams however, it will be anyones guess, but I would bet SOS will have a big part in that equation.
I just think this last season is a great example of how you just can't tell with SOS. Big XII South vs. SEC West strength was anybody's guess.
I actually hope Georgia wins. If an SEC team is playing a non-conference game, I usually root for the SEC team. It would hurt the SEC if Georgia lost on their home turf.
Originally posted by cookeville_vol@Feb 16, 2005 8:51 PM
I actually hope Georgia wins. If an SEC team is playing a non-conference game, I usually root for the SEC team. It would hurt the SEC if Georgia lost on their home turf.

I hope everyone loses but UT to be frank.
Originally posted by GAVol@Feb 13, 2005 10:07 PM

It's got to suck when one of your cupcake games that you scheduled 5 years ago turns into a top 20 team.  :dlol:

See Alabama vs. Northern Illinois University!

Five years prior to the game where NIU beat UA at Tuscalooser, they (NIU) were putting the finishing touches on the nation's longest losing streak (20 some games). I was on the faculty there during that time. NIU was pitiful. The streak stretched over 3 seasons. Needless to say, seeing them smack UA around (with Brodie by the way so no excuses) was truly awesome :pepper: :pepper:
I'm sure he will be along to give us a status. I had completely forgotten about this thread.
I do in fact still have the results.....I could use some more votes though....only have 30

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