The Origins of World War III

I agree with everything you said Volprof, except i don't think the Iranians are funding ISIS, my guess is Qatar or Saudi. That said, most of the stuff in that video is probably true. The bottom line is everything going on in Syria is centered around the pipeline that will supply Europe with it's oil, and where it will originate, and who controls it. A Russian controlled pipeline through Syria would be very, very bad for US interests and is probably worth everything we've been doing to prevent it. I prefer to not be misled though.
I agree with everything you said Volprof, except i don't think the Iranians are funding ISIS, my guess is Qatar or Saudi. That said, most of the stuff in that video is probably true. The bottom line is everything going on in Syria is centered around the pipeline that will supply Europe with it's oil, and where it will originate, and who controls it. A Russian controlled pipeline through Syria would be very, very bad for US interests and is probably worth everything we've been doing to prevent it. I prefer to not be misled though.

Two items:

1. I wasn't suggesting the Iranians were funding or supporting ISIS. In fact, they probably aren't. I'm referring to other measures like Hezbollah, Palestinian insurgency, Shiite insurgency in Iraq, and jihadism in the Balkans.

2. Why do the Russians need a pipeline to run from Syria in to Europe? Maybe I'm just not very informed about this, but I thought they had been doing pretty well on their own.
Two items:

1. I wasn't suggesting the Iranians were funding or supporting ISIS. In fact, they probably aren't. I'm referring to other measures like Hezbollah, Palestinian insurgency, Shiite insurgency in Iraq, and jihadism in the Balkans.

2. Why do the Russians need a pipeline to run from Syria in to Europe? Maybe I'm just not very informed about this, but I thought they had been doing pretty well on their own.

There are presently 2 pipelines under consideration that have to run through Syria. The first one would be a pipeline that originates in Qatar. If that is built, then the odds are that the sales to Europe will be settled in USD. The other pipeline would originate in Iran and would have deals settled outside of the USD (Yuan, Rubles, Euros, Gold). The US cannot afford to have demand for the USD be threatened anymore than it is right now.
Two items:

1. I wasn't suggesting the Iranians were funding or supporting ISIS. In fact, they probably aren't. I'm referring to other measures like Hezbollah, Palestinian insurgency, Shiite insurgency in Iraq, and jihadism in the Balkans.

2. Why do the Russians need a pipeline to run from Syria in to Europe? Maybe I'm just not very informed about this, but I thought they had been doing pretty well on their own.

The Russians do provide a good chunk of Europe's oil; and we've seen how that has made it difficult to gain consensus on meaningful sanctions in the Ukraine situation. Now imagine a Russian ally providing the remainder of Europe's oil. The US would have almost zero influence in the entire Eurasian land mass. There's a book called The Grand Chessboard by one of the US's most influential (and debatably evil) foreign policy gurus that highlights the importance of Eurasia in geopolitics. We're talking the majority of the word's wealth, population, and resources.

I guess my biggest problem with our military interventions is that a select group reaps huge profits while the military men and women that make them possible get stuck with the cluster called the VA. Maybe they should institute some kind of profit sharing.
And provided it does (which it won't), whose fault will that be?

Let me go ahead and answer for you, since I know how you would answer anyhow. Plus, I think I'm currently on your **** list, so you mostly ignore me. But it would be Russia's fault for supporting a corrupt regime simply to make bucks off of arms deals and it would be Iran's fault for supporting terrorism.

See, it's not too hard. Your American exceptionalism is actually quite sickening. You have an inflated sense of worth as an American in that you don't think other countries are capable of actually doing anything. They're just weak little children, in your opinion, all waiting to be constantly manipulated by your American boogeyman.

Unlike you, I actually think other countries and other people's are capable of doing stuff, even on their own sometimes. The only thing you think other countries are actually capable of doing is making an alternative to the world bank and monetary reserve. And, quite frankly, thinking that everything that happens on Earth is some American ploy is actually condescending towards other people, just like how you're constantly condescending towards women.

You got 2 "likes" for this BS? What in the world are you talking about? My American exceptionalism... really? I've been out of the country and I know all too well that America is not the only game in town nor is it all that it is cracked up to be. I'm one of the few that believes that other countries should be given the opportunity to rule themselves free from American interests and central banker control of their currency.
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You got 2 "likes" for this BS? What in the world are you talking about? My American exceptionalism... really? I've been out of the country and I know all too well that America is not the only game in town nor is it all that it is cracked up to be. I'm one of the few that believes that other countries should be given the opportunity to rule themselves free from American interests and central banker control of their currency.

Apparently American exceptionalism doesn't guarantee good reading comprehension skills either. Yes, you heard me right. Your American exceptionalism. The fact that you think that almost everything in the world is the result of American policy is insulting to other countries and their peoples.

I'm sorry if you can't understand this. Let's put it in terms that maybe you can comprehend. I'm using
Russian tactics on you at the moment.

Now do you understand?
You got 2 "likes" for this BS? What in the world are you talking about? My American exceptionalism... really? I've been out of the country and I know all too well that America is not the only game in town nor is it all that it is cracked up to be. I'm one of the few that believes that other countries should be given the opportunity to rule themselves free from American interests and central banker control of their currency.

Yet your ideal situation is merely replacing the us and USD with the USSR or Russian ruble. And several articles I have read have suggested that even if oil wasn't sold in USD anymore the demand wouldn't decrease. The USD is the world's basis for trade equivalency. Basic instead of it being a direct sale to USD it would just be third party trading through the USD. So yes while the monopoly so to speak of the USD might get broken the demand for it is going to be there still.
Syrian conflict will draw in Iran & Russia.

Iran I get, but how would Russia being involved be any different than the crap rope you have been pushing about the us in Ukraine bs. Assuming of course Isis doesn't start hitting Russia.
And provided it does (which it won't), whose fault will that be?

Let me go ahead and answer for you, since I know how you would answer anyhow. Plus, I think I'm currently on your **** list, so you mostly ignore me. But it would be Russia's fault for supporting a corrupt regime simply to make bucks off of arms deals and it would be Iran's fault for supporting terrorism.

See, it's not too hard. Your American exceptionalism is actually quite sickening. You have an inflated sense of worth as an American in that you don't think other countries are capable of actually doing anything. They're just weak little children, in your opinion, all waiting to be constantly manipulated by your American boogeyman.

Unlike you, I actually think other countries and other people's are capable of doing stuff, even on their own sometimes. The only thing you think other countries are actually capable of doing is making an alternative to the world bank and monetary reserve. And, quite frankly, thinking that everything that happens on Earth is some American ploy is actually condescending towards other people, just like how you're constantly condescending towards women.

More amusing today than yesterday...
More amusing today than yesterday...

What's amusing? That you're an American hating American exceptionalist who denies that men got their heads ****ing sawed off, because it's an American plot?

What's amusing to you?

Tell me. And go tell their families too, while you're at it.

Are we here yet?

I didn’t watch the OPs video. I’m just asking the question, are we in the midst of, on the brink of, etc. WW3?

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