The other white meat...



"Slava Ukraina"
Aug 14, 2007

DailyTech - Insects Could be the Western World's Newest Meat Source

Now, Dicke and Van Huis are making the argument for Westerners to jump on the bug-eating bandwagon as well. It may not seem obvious, but insects are already apart of our daily diet. In the United States, the average citizen consumes approximately one pound of insects annually through foods such as chocolate (which the FDA allows 60 insect fragments per 100 grams) and peanut butter (which the FDA allows 30 insect fragments per 100 grams). Insects are mixed into other foods as well, such as fruit juices.

Even though insects are already part of our diet to some degree, Dicke and Van Huis see bug meat as being an alternative to meats such as beef and pork. Between 2020 and 2050, researchers predict that Westerners will consume insects regularly as an answer to our increasing population needing more meat-related resources. In fact, beef may become a luxury food item like caviar by 2050.
Been playing Fallout: New Vegas lately, I feel I am qualified to say: No thank you.
I'm guessing that McDonald's and other such places may already have this in place. There will be no meat shortage during my time left on planet Earth.
Carmine, a red food coloring made of ground up beetles, is found in many foods including yogurt, ice cream, fruit drinks, etc.
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So when you're eating strawberry yogurt and you think you're biting down on a seed, it's actually part of the beetle shell that didn't get ground down enough.

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if insects become a food source for humans and we become willing to pay for them, then I should do well. I have a mosquito farm where I grow hordes of them. I can hear the cha-ching of the cash register now.
I'm a big guy. I bet you in a grasshopper eating contest I could eat a gazillion.
I've just contracted to start up a cockroach farm. I've got dollar signs dancing in my eyes.
We had a pretty good amount of rabbit and squirrel growing up in the country. But, also, had a lot of ham. Probably offset.

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