The other white meat...

Why not. After all, at VN we are outnumbered by kids, maybe 3 to 30,000. Some of them were born after 1990 and for some reason think that they are a person.
The newage hunter....

Why not. After all, at VN we are outnumbered by kids, maybe 3 to 30,000. Some of them were born after 1990 and for some reason think that they are a person.
They will have their own good old days in a few decades.

VN1-How many can remember going to the store and buying steak for $30 a pound. Now that was the good old days.

VN2-Yeah, what about gas when it was only $15 a gallon. I miss those days.

VN3-What's gas?

VN1 & VN2-Oh you kids!:loco:
So when you're eating strawberry yogurt and you think you're biting down on a seed, it's actually part of the beetle shell that didn't get ground down enough.

Good to know. Glad I don't eat strawberry yogurt.
My wife was a child of missionaries, growing up in the Congo (was Belgian). All the kids ate inswa, or crunchy termites. But one girl was known for eating juicy squishy bugs, so the other kids always saved those for her. šŸ˜Æ
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