The Schutzstaffel (SS) was originally conceived to be a protection force at Adolf Hitler's public mass meetings. It "evolved" into something far more sinister.
Barack Obama has let us know that he dreams of being a dictator and has said that he'd like to bypass Congress. Obama has found a weapon to hammer everyone and anyone without the messy need for Constitutional process. He has found his own SS. It's called the EPA.
Mr. Pozsgai did not need a permit to dump topsoil on an isolated wetland. However, the Army Corps of Engineers insisted he apply for one. Next, the EPA set up surveillance cameras to capture Mr. Pozsgai filling his land with topsoil. EPA agents then arrested him for discharging pollutants into waters of the United States. These pollutants consisted of earth, topsoil and sand. The EPA openly admits that no hazardous wastes were involved in the case, yet Mr. Pozsgai was found guilty and sentenced to three years in prison and fined $202,000. Mr. Pozsgai spent 1 1/2 years in prison, 1 1/2 in a halfway house, and was under supervised probation for five years. His family went bankrupt and was unable to pay its property taxes on the land.
James De Long has written a book on the abusive EPA:
What is the rule of law? DeLong quotes (p. viii) F. A. Hayek: Stripped of all its technicalities, [the rule of law] means that government in all its action is bound by rules fixed and announced beforehandrules which make it possible to foresee with fair certainty how the authority will use its coercive powers in a given circumstance and plan ones individual affairs on the basis of this knowledge (The Road to Serfdom [Chicago: University of Chicago Press, (1944) 1976], p. 72). DeLong shows that planning to assure compliance with EPA regulations is nearly impossible because enforcement officials have so much leeway in their interpretation of the rules the EPA writes.