Obviously a fair statement. I would say the bar for "grooming" has been set artificially high for straight people and artificially low for trans people (IMO shaking hands with a drag queen is not "grooming", but some would say it is if they interact at all), and the actual line should be somewhere in between and be enforced consistently.
If it were, trans people would be far, far down the list of people taking heat over it (after everyone in the child pageant business, the church, everyone responsible for cheerleader outfits/dancing, everyone who talks about how a kid will be popular with girls when they get older, everyone who takes a kid to Hooters, everyone who glamorizes the idea of hooking up with an older babysitter/teacher as a teen, everyone who allows a kid to see a show/movie with any heterosexuality in it, etc. etc.)
If people actually cared to the level they pretend to care when it comes to trans people, damn near every parent in the country would have a lot of reevaluating to do