The Radical Islamic Terrorism Catch-All Thread

On a remote stretch of the Euphrates River in eastern Syria, the so-called Islamic State is fighting its last stand. A realm that once stretched from western Syria to the outskirts of Baghdad is, according to a senior SDF commander who spoke to CNN on condition on anonymity, a mere four square kilometers.
"With the help of artillery and airplanes we were able to take control of this place," one SDF soldier said, walking down the rubble-strewn main drive of Susa, one of the latest villages to be liberated from ISIS. "Within ten days, God willing, we will finish."
The end of the war against ISIS is in sight, but the difficulty of the current battle is clear in footage shot in the Syrian villages of Susa and Marashida and provided exclusively to CNN by freelance warzone cameraman Gabriel Chaim. He has spent years covering the war on ISIS in Iraq and Syria, and spent the last four months embedded with the SDF.
ISIS bride and child will not be allowed to return.

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Osama bin Laden's son Hamza emerging as new al-Qaeda leader

One of the sons of the late al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden is emerging as the new leader of the militant group, according to the State Department.

The United States is offering a reward for information on Hamza bin Laden, thought to be about 30 years old and based near the Afghan-Pakistan border, of $1 million.

The State Department's Counter-Terrorism Rewards Program posted the reward on its website late Thursday. "He has released audio and video messages on the Internet, calling on his followers to launch attacks against the United States and its Western allies, and he has threatened attacks against the United States in revenge for the May 2011 killing of his father by U.S. military forces," the State Department said.

Saudi Arabia has stripped citizenship from Hamza bin Laden, the son of slain al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, the interior ministry said in a statement published by the official gazette.
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Well, since Israel just took the Golan Heights permanently, which was the major concession that they previously offered Syria, and zero muslim countries cared...I would say the weakened Syrian state doesnt really demand much policy at all. They are a Russian proxy, with a weak military, very little resources, and a civil war. Our beef is with Iran, as they sponsor terror all over the globe. Good thing Israel is right there to light em up if they get out of line.
Osama bin Laden's son Hamza emerging as new al-Qaeda leader

One of the sons of the late al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden is emerging as the new leader of the militant group, according to the State Department.

The United States is offering a reward for information on Hamza bin Laden, thought to be about 30 years old and based near the Afghan-Pakistan border, of $1 million.

The State Department's Counter-Terrorism Rewards Program posted the reward on its website late Thursday. "He has released audio and video messages on the Internet, calling on his followers to launch attacks against the United States and its Western allies, and he has threatened attacks against the United States in revenge for the May 2011 killing of his father by U.S. military forces," the State Department said.

Saudi Arabia has stripped citizenship from Hamza bin Laden, the son of slain al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, the interior ministry said in a statement published by the official gazette.
I wonder if he was on one of the airplanes that was allowed to take those sons a bitches out of the USA on 9/11.
That's a strange case. She's receiving death threats now in Syria from ISIS loyalists. Did she renounce her American citizenship formally when she moved to Syria? Can you renounce your citizenship? Interesting questions.

I don't have any sympathy for an American that volunteers to join ISIS.

It was ruled that she is not a citizen

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