The real problem with gov't spending and transfers of wealth and our national debt is simply this: we as a society have too many people consuming wealth and too few producing it. Politicians have made matters worse by borrowing against future wealth creation to placate those demanding free benefits.
Currently 58% or less of all Americans are employed (FT&PT). That is roughly 3% more than 1950 when many still operated subsistence farms and half as many women worked outside the home as now. Males were employed at 82% in 1950... now only 74% are employed.
This can NEVER be fixed by more gov't programs and transfers of wealth. Borrowing on the part of the gov't has obscured the problem but done nothing in reality but make it worse. Tax simplification and flattening would be helpful and a net plus for the private economy IMO however increased tax rates would only make the equation worse.
The private economy MUST be expanded with wealth creating jobs... for instance tax accountants do not produce wealth. They may be necessary to retain wealth but they do not produce it.
Bottom line: we can no longer afford or even survive Progressive economic policies that allow people to consume without making a contribution.
Currently 58% or less of all Americans are employed (FT&PT). That is roughly 3% more than 1950 when many still operated subsistence farms and half as many women worked outside the home as now. Males were employed at 82% in 1950... now only 74% are employed.
This can NEVER be fixed by more gov't programs and transfers of wealth. Borrowing on the part of the gov't has obscured the problem but done nothing in reality but make it worse. Tax simplification and flattening would be helpful and a net plus for the private economy IMO however increased tax rates would only make the equation worse.
The private economy MUST be expanded with wealth creating jobs... for instance tax accountants do not produce wealth. They may be necessary to retain wealth but they do not produce it.
Bottom line: we can no longer afford or even survive Progressive economic policies that allow people to consume without making a contribution.