The real reason for conference expansion…

So this is really happening? I thought there would be no way. Does anyone really see this as a positive thing for us?

Sounding like yes it will happen.

good for us? It’s the lesser of the evils.

We will have stiffer competition in the SEC but will have stronger recruiting advantages against other teams in all other conferences that don’t achieve similar consolidations.

Specifically because of the original post in this thread states. If we are recruiting the same kid as UM, FSU or another similar program from a smaller/inferior conference we should get the kid based on more lucrative advertisements/endorsements being offered to kids in the new SEC.
That’s my theory.

IMO that’s the only good reason for UTEX and OK to move from the small pond where they are king.
Also, it may be enough of an advantage to lure a few more major brands/schools to the SEC like Clemson, OSU etc…
I look forward to going to the UT vs Texas game.

We could be playing another one of our little brothers.

I’ve been to a couple of the OK games. It was electric. We owe them.

We’ll be back. The sooner the better.

I’m truly glad not to be a sooner. What is that, an adverb? Sooners are good folk. What happened?
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It'll just give Texas and OU more access to our recruiting footprint, where we have enough competition already. SEC membership will also give them added strength in defending their own turf from other SEC teams. It's helping Texas and OU tremendously, the rest of us not so much, especially a program like ours that is already facing the challenge of trying to return to consistent relevance.
Spot on.
Endorsements are kind of a side show. Salaries are the issue. Need to be the highest paying league in order to attract the most talent. The leagues will become imbalanced and the SEC will essentially be the Triple A of pro football, so to speak.
Its all about those $$$. I also think with the NCAA losing all of its power, this could be a move to make a mega conference and pull totally away from the NCAA. It would be like a mini NFL. Just my thinking though.
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Endorsements are kind of a side show. Salaries are the issue. Need to be the highest paying league in order to attract the most talent. The leagues will become imbalanced and the SEC will essentially be the Triple A of pro football, so to speak.
What do you mean by salaries? Like endorsements and sponsorship salaries or something else I’m missing? Serious question.

Here is a quote from an ESPN article talking about compensation. Does it go beyond this?

“The NCAA is in the process of changing its rules to permit athletes to be compensated for the use of their names, images and likenesses. That should open opportunities for athletes to be paid for endorsement and sponsorship deals, for appearances, and for promoting products or events on social media accounts.”
What do you mean by salaries? Like endorsements and sponsorship salaries or something else I’m missing? Serious question.

Here is a quote from an ESPN article talking about compensation. Does it go beyond this?

“The NCAA is in the process of changing its rules to permit athletes to be compensated for the use of their names, images and likenesses. That should open opportunities for athletes to be paid for endorsement and sponsorship deals, for appearances, and for promoting products or events on social media accounts.”

Yes. Basically the NCAA has no real ability to enforce compensation restrictions of any kind. NIL is just a bunch of cotton candy, mostly nonsense.
Every football school has their deep pockets boosters. People like Haslam are going to wield more influence than ever. I think you will see “personal services “ contracts. I also think you will see groups of investors band together When it all shakes out in the end there will only be a fraction of the schools that will be able to compete for the 5and 4 star players. They will almost be like college all star teams competing against each other. I think the SEC is setting itself up to dominate and devastate college football as we have known it.
“Progress “ is never for the better.
As a final thought, how long do you think it will be before can’t miss high school players are signed as well?
That said - it is a factor for OU/TX (from fans perspective). Both apparently think they just need the SEC tag to recruit even better. They clearly don't get going from 1 loss/year at OU to 4 losses a year in the SEC will hurt them way more. Recruits, like pollsters, look a lot at W/L. SEC brand will give them a boost - but not as much as winning on the field and being able to sell X number of conference titles and being in the playoff every few years. Kids want to WIN...why they go to OSU and Clemson.

4 losses in the SEC won’t hurt them.’s the SEC.
I can also envision the NFL wanting the money and expanding their teams to have “ minor leagues “ that develop their players the way European and South American soccer clubs do now. The big college fish are going to get eaten by bigger professional fish.
. UGA is not in as good a shape in BFE and an hour away in Atlanta they have wwayyy bigger athletes.


Athens is inside the Atlanta MSA.

We’re a really big city. Nashville’s daddy, in fact.
I can also envision the NFL wanting the money and expanding their teams to have “ minor leagues “ that develop their players the way European and South American soccer clubs do now. The big college fish are going to get eaten by bigger professional fish.

Um, they tried that at least twice and nobody watched because they like college ball better.

Plus, NFL gets to get their entire farm system for absolutely free.

Not trying to troll you, BTW.
Since 1998 and the invent of the BSC, it's been about the C_A_S_H

Actually it was probably before that in 1984 when the Supreme Court backed the CFA (which included the SEC, Big Ten, and others) to "deregulate" television rights. Basically taking TV rights away from the NCAA and giving it to the conferences. That decision moved TV away from a national contract to a more regional approach.

That decision also setup the first real round of big conference expansions called the Great Realignment of1990 (Big Ten added Penn State, ACC got Fl St, Big East got Miami, and SEC added Arky and USCe).
Recruiting? No, silly, it’s money.

Well… I guess they’re the same thing.
I can also envision the NFL wanting the money and expanding their teams to have “ minor leagues “ that develop their players the way European and South American soccer clubs do now. The big college fish are going to get eaten by bigger professional fish.
The issue w that is there isn’t a monopoly of soccer leagues. The NFL is a monopoly. They don’t need to sign and spend money on developmental players because there is only one place the good players go anyway, and colleges develop these players at their own expense.
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Do you agree endorsements will pay more in the SEC with TX and OK?

Would a player get paid more money for his likeness at TX in the BigXII or the SEC as super conference?
Not sure what difference it will make to the business owners, honestly. Go get paid at 10 time Big 12 champ OU/9-3 Texas or get paid at 8-4 OU and 6-6 TX. Those programs are like ND (oh and UT). They don't need any conference, nor any specific conference, to be a big brand.

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