The Rock has spoken

To be PC, we should bring in Trump to Fire Him

It all boils down to trying to be politically correct and not wanting to offend anyone. We live in a world where society has taught our kids that anytime their feelings are hurt, they are the victims, and anyone who dares challenge them or makes them feel bad about themselves, is a hater, or a bigot, or an oppressor, or just racist. It's really gotten out of hand.

Agree wholeheartedly. What's crazy is that college campuses used to create the opposite atmosphere, where all ideas and opinions and points of view are on the table and part of the discussion. The goal was to challenge your mind to think differently than how you were accustomed to. Now, it's the opposite....they've (colleges in general) created an atmosphere of intellectual intimidation, where no differing points of view or opinions can be expressed in order to avoid offending someone. How can these graduates function in the real world?
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Politicians who were elected by a population that is increasingly tired of old stodgy Christians who think Eve was made to serve Adam. That is of course the essence of why people have always said "he" when the person in question could be either male or female. Male is the default, we know this because the Bible says God is male! Such tired myths...

The world is changing, thank God (lol), and UT needs to change with it or be left behind.

You're delusional and part of the problem
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Santa Claus and baby Jesus is offensive.. Get a grip. Where are the CoExI$t people when it comes to Jesus? Why is there a muslim hate hotline, (as per Loretta Lynch yesterday) and not a Christian hotline? Is shooting up a "Christmas" party bullying?

Don't tell Goldfinger about this. He'd take it down and leave boogers all over the roof of Ayres hall.
It was a guideline asking students to have holiday parties instead of Christmas parties in order to promote diversity and inclusion.

Here's a link to the guidelines posted on the UT website.

Best Practices for Inclusive Holiday Celebrations in the Workplace | Office for Diversity and Inclusion

The university does not have an official policy regarding religious and cultural décor and celebration in the workplace.

These guidelines never had anything to do with students.
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Not according to the article posted on the first page of this thread.

Read it again, he backtracked and said that they were not the university policy only suggestions to promote inclusion. If it were people that worked for the university it would have been policy.

Furthermore, what if it were a group of staff that wanted to pay for a Christmas party on their dime, not university sanctioned, that is their business.
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Actually, the letter of the law in the Constitution states that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. Since then, the precedent has been to apply that not just to Congressional Acts as stated but also the use of facilities (even after hours) and the free expression of individuals working in any public service.

I certainly would be against something that is clearly oppressive or coercive, maybe even the use of taxpayer dollars. On the other hand, my tax dollars have been spent on a lot of things I disagree with or see as wasteful over the years, such as abortions, Obama phones, and paying who knows how much for someone to sit around and think up gender neutral pronouns and inclusive holiday party guidelines.

How about learning to share cultures without fighting or taking offense rather than neutering cultures and stripping them of their meaning.
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Agreed. I shouldn't have used the term policy and should have used guidelines. Nevertheless, it was supposed to apply to faculty and staff according to The Tennessean, not students. If the guidelines were meant for students, then I could understand the sentiment in this thread a bit better, but it's still not a fire-able offense.
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Agreed. I shouldn't have used the term policy and should have used guidelines. Nevertheless, it was supposed to apply to faculty and staff according to The Tennessean, not students. If the guidelines were meant for students, then I could understand the sentiment in this thread a bit better, but it's still not a fire-able offense.

It's not an unfire-able offense either. It was a moronic statement and he deserves all the heat he gets for it. (including firing, if it happens)
Everyone getting offended and talking about the establishment clause of the constitution - please understand what the constitution says - really nothing UT does will violate that.
Tuition is out of control, our campuses are becoming shooting ranges, but you better not mess with Secret Santa.

We need to cut the crapnif bowing down to please all these diverse groups! This country was founded on Christian principles and ran base on those principles for years, during which time you hardly ever heard of these shootings on campuses or well anywhere. Then somebody had the wise idea of takin GOD out of our schools and country and well now this is the result of those changes just so we wouldn't offend nobody. My stance is put GOD back in our schools and the running of our country and those who don't like it can go to another country where they may fit in better!!!!
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Regardless of who the memo was targeted to - It shouldn't be necessary at all. It was obviously targeting Christians. No INCLUSION of Jewish religious customs, Muslim, Hindu etc. customs. If the memo was truly DIVERSE, it would have mentioned every religious icon that could ever be perceived by anyone as offensive.
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I'm sorry; In all of my years I've have never seem so many different peoples name be posted on Vol Nation to be fired.

AD...head coach...assistant coach...Chancellor...Grounds Keeper...

Just wondering who's job is safe from Vol Nation working for UT? Janitor?

Janitor is safe because he keeps having to clean up all this shi
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It's not crapping on Christmas celebrations. It's abiding by the constitution. The recommendation from the administration applied to government employees using government resources.

How is it that people who are so quick to cite the establishment clause seem to be so unaware (or disinterested) in the free exercise clause? The two go hand-in-hand. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."

If "the government" (in this case, the school) is going to allow religion-based observances (and based on the free exercise clause how could they possibly claim the authority to not allow them?), then those observances are naturally going to include elements particular to the religious holiday being observed -- in this case Christmas.
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How is it that people who are so quick to cite the establishment clause seem to be so unaware (or disinterested) in the free exercise clause? The two go hand-in-hand. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."

If "the government" (in this case, the school) is going to allow religion-based observances (and based on the free exercise clause how could they possibly claim the authority to not allow them?), then those observances are naturally going to include elements particular to the religious holiday being observed -- in this case Christmas.

A couple of issues here. One, free exercise is regulated by government just as all civil liberties are. Two, there is a tension between free exercise and the establishment clause sometimes. Government employees, when working, are representatives of government using government resources. We cannot use those resources to promote one religion over another, which is what a government employee Christmas party does. Those employees are free to practice their religion as they see fit when they're not on the clock or using government resources.
By the way - All holidays, including Christmas, can no longer be called "holiday" because the word holiday comes from the root word "holy". All holidays must now be referred to as "celebration" day.:thud::thud::thud::thud:
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...anytime their feelings are hurt, they are the victims, and anyone who dares challenge them or makes them feel bad about themselves, is a hater, or a bigot, or an oppressor, or just racist. It's really gotten out of hand.

Funny how our representatives here in Tennessee are doing exactly what you said above.

Cheek made a simple request and did so to avoid a b.s. discrimination lawsuit against the university. It's a CYA business tactic and a smart one at that.
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I wanted him gone long before this, but Santa hasn't been good to me.
Guess I'll have to change my ways.
Jimmy Cheek has been awful for students, as well.

We're getting new buildings, but the man is firing teachers and bringing in his cronies for admin positions and basically turning the flagship state school into a second-rate research institution.
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A couple of issues here. One, free exercise is regulated by government just as all civil liberties are. Two, there is a tension between free exercise and the establishment clause sometimes. Government employees, when working, are representatives of government using government resources. We cannot use those resources to promote one religion over another, which is what a government employee Christmas party does. Those employees are free to practice their religion as they see fit when they're not on the clock or using government resources.

I agree with the limitations on using government resources. I guess the government could just exercise it's authority to do away with these kinds of observances altogether. It seems like that is the ultimate goal of some people.

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