The shut down thread

That would be great. We can use solar panels to power them and when the dims start whining we can tell them we thought they were for green energy.
Sure. Elon could do it. Call it the Tesla Tazer. And while we’re at it, get him to design a solar-powered Taco Truck and have a fleet of them with a supercharger every 100 miles of wall, so those who make it over can get fed before being deported.
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What actual compromise have the Dims made? How many temporary spending bills has Trump agreed to, and how many have resulted in the DIms compromising. Pelosi sat in the meeting and said "nyet", comrade.

What compromise has been asked of the "dims"? They've offered him almost $2B which was agreed upon by the Senate GOP.

The narrative you're trying to foist is as thin as trumps hairline. This argument that the "dims" are responsible and aren't willing to compromise is laughable because nothing has been negotiated by Mr. Art of The Deal. McConnell is missing in action and refuses to do anything because Trump was shamed into an absolute win or nothing.

Trump is getting a hard lesson in big boy politics by Nancy and Chuck. They are absolutely eating his lunch.

Freaking bozo said he'd own the shutdown. LOL, what a maroon.
Why would he? Why does anyone trust him?

McConnell held that vote on the CR, because the White House said Trump would sign it. Then Trump talked to Limbaugh . . .

McConnell isn't going to have the rug yanked from under him again.
The cognitive dissonance on display has to do with competing and inconsistent beliefs, ideas or attitudes. What you're attempting to foist is a strawman, one can't be directly compared to another.

I didn't think that this was a particularly challenging concept.

Oh but it is to the Righties. It always is.
"Trump has been consistent on this." LOL

Trump: I never said Mexico would pay for the wall *directly*

WaPo’s Philip Bump went through dozens of Trump soundbites to track how he imagined Mexico would be paying for the wall starting in 2015 on the trail and continuing to the present day. The striking thing about all of them, and very true to form, is how vague he always is. He never gets into details — and why would he? Explaining the details would have been inconvenient for him and irrelevant to his supporters. He got elected as a “Green Lantern” figure, a superhero whose bravado and alleged negotiating talents would allow him to bust through the usual D.C. nonsense.
California utility may have to turn off power to prevent wildfires, re-inspect entire grid, judge proposes

And libs are upset about Trump moving some funds around and turning some government services off? Talk about disruption! Just wait until a day without cellphones kicks in.
This is why people elected Trump.

Okay, so now we know why Trump was randomly tweeting an old threat to cut off funding for California's wildfire recovery efforts yesterday.

Donald J. Trump

Billions of dollars are sent to the State of California for Forest fires that, with proper Forest Management, would never happen. Unless they get their act together, which is unlikely. I have ordered FEMA to send no more money. It is a disgraceful situation in lives & money!

10:25 AM - Jan 9, 2019


He wants to reallocate money set aside in the military construction budget for disaster relief recovery efforts to fund his wall. To declare a national emergency for a wall which won't be constructed for at least another year, for the purpose of taking money appropriated for disaster relief recovery, would be self serving, hypocritical and an outrageous abuse of power and his tweet from yesterday, a very transparent attempt at propaganda. Obviously, such an effort would bring about a lawsuit and be very risky politically, to say the least. He has to win Florida in 2020. This would be used against him.

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