The Smokeless Tobacco Forum

What do you dip?

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Started dipping the summer before high school when i stole a can out of my neighbors fridge (skoal wintergreen :yuck: ) i knew people got sick from it so i put a pinch about as big as my pinky nail in and got a buzz. 7 years later im still at it. I went from grizzly mint to straight to natural where i still reside.
I dipped cherry skoal for 2 weeks in high a massive head ache and quit that..that was in 07, went to Juco played ball that fall tried to dip again cause hell everyone else did, skoal vanilla one dip of that and gave the can away im at a 4 year school playin ball and everyone else dips so i figured i try it again...took a dip from one of my friends grizz wintergreen.....had the biggest buzz aint put one in dip just aint for i tried....Ill stick with a nice Bud light on the weekend...cant dip but i can chew
I dipped cherry skoal for 2 weeks in high a massive head ache and quit that..that was in 07, went to Juco played ball that fall tried to dip again cause hell everyone else did, skoal vanilla one dip of that and gave the can away im at a 4 year school playin ball and everyone else dips so i figured i try it again...took a dip from one of my friends grizz wintergreen.....had the biggest buzz aint put one in dip just aint for i tried....Ill stick with a nice Bud light on the weekend...cant dip but i can chew

didnt like the buzz experience? you might be putting too much in.if ur just starting out and u put alot in it will do that since ur body isnt used to the nicotine.not trying to tell u to try again with a smaller pinch but that may be why
when i first started i took a small one and got sick. i just kept putting it in, because quitters never win
i really miss Copenhagen Black like crazy...i absolutely loved the fact it was a mid cut...not powder like snuff or felt like your putting a pile of sticks in like long cut, it was so nice and soft on the gums as if they were being caressed by angels...they now have Cope Whiskey Blend, which is similar in flavour but the fact its long cut really drives me away...(i do the regular cope long cut cause even though they both say long cut it seems that one is cut a little finer) but even the flavour of cope black compared to whiskey just isn't the same, i really wish theyd bring back the mid cut line, thats what really drew me to it in the first place then once there i fell in love with teh bourbon flavour of the cope black
When i first got on Grizz i took tums before for like a week to avoid stom ache, Needa put Camel Snus up here its amazing
Griz winter green here before prices got jacked up kodiak. But I need to stop this year. I started this after I stopped smoking. Been doing it for about 10 years and my gums are about gone. So kids don't start this crap! That's my good deed for today. Lol
how much do you dip a day? during the week i have 2 mayb 3. wkends mayb up to 5 a day. bought a log of skoal for 31 dollars. balla
1 can last me 48-72 hours during the week normally. Weekends, not so much. Closer to 24 hours per.

I know, I know, I need to quit. Copenhagen is the devil.
A can last me a day or two at best. My prob is that I never take a few big dips a day its more like ten small ones so most of the time I have one in.

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