Most people here should read "The Blind Side." No, watching the movie is not an effective substitute. Key point made in that book is that football is constantly evolving, and about the time that the evolution is noted, it has already been proven effective. There is a whole case study of the "west coast" style offense under Walsh at the Forty Niners (I believe, I am going from memory, and the NFL isn't my wheelhouse). People believed that the run game was more effective and that the NFL would never change. The problem was that the "west coast" style was statistically proving to have a lower turn over rate than running, and more yards per attempt. It was adopted and succesful, and then defenses evolved, and then offenses evolved, and so on. Offensive styles are simply an arms race. Right now "this style", whatever you want to call it, is proving itself effective against teams like Bama that dominate with more traditional talent. If you can't out-recruit Saban (and you are almost guaranteed not to) then you have to figure out a way to beat him with less talent...
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