The Stench of Desperation is in the Air

What kind of service record do you have? I have noticed the clowns who always go to the bone spur thing are the same ones who would be to afraid to sign up and serve.

I've never dodged a draft nor sat by and did nothing after Russians put bounties on US soldiers
Here's some "desperation" for ya straight from the super-unreliable sources, NPR and Bob Woodward:

NPR's Ron Elving writes: "Was there no one in Trump's communications office to question this commitment of the president's time? Who but Trump could have arranged 17 interviews with a man who had written critically of eight presidents, including an earlier book characterizing Trump as unprepared and unfit for his office, a national disaster waiting to happen?"

Elving notes that Woodward's epilogue is "far more conclusive than in 'Fear.'" The final sentence of the book reads, "When his performance as president is taken in its entirety, I can only reach one conclusion: Trump is the wrong man for the job."

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I have to laugh at the ego of Trump... he really thought he was gonna "win over" Bob Woodward. SMH.
So by deflecting you're saying that "no, I didn't serve, but I like denigrating people and pretending that I did"? Did I get that right?

The ones who never were in the military always have the biggest issue with his non military service. I don't give a crap personally if the president was ever in the military or not.
Here's some "desperation" for ya straight from the super-unreliable sources, NPR and Bob Woodward:

NPR's Ron Elving writes: "Was there no one in Trump's communications office to question this commitment of the president's time? Who but Trump could have arranged 17 interviews with a man who had written critically of eight presidents, including an earlier book characterizing Trump as unprepared and unfit for his office, a national disaster waiting to happen?"

Elving notes that Woodward's epilogue is "far more conclusive than in 'Fear.'" The final sentence of the book reads, "When his performance as president is taken in its entirety, I can only reach one conclusion: Trump is the wrong man for the job."

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I have to laugh at the ego of Trump... he really thought he was gonna "win over" Bob Woodward. SMH.

Actually, it is exactly what it is.
I've never dodged a draft nor sat by and did nothing after Russians put bounties on US soldiers

Have you ever been scared to called terrorists TERRORISTS? Would you call 9-11 a simple act of “workplace violence“?
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Have you ever been scared to called terrorists TERRORISTS? Would you call 9-11 a simple act of “workplace violence“?
dingo agrees with the socialist squad that "some people did some things" that day.
The absolute desperation of the left is bordering on comical. Lets get some predictions for what is still to come from the left.
It's not as palpable as the abject stupidity of Donald Trump. Robert Woodward had already written one book on the Trump Administration called "Fear", which was released in 2018, that was scathing in it's criticism of his presidency. So, what does Donald Trump do? He agrees to sit down with Woodward for a series of interviews for yet another book ... and he even foolishly agrees to have these interviews audio recorded for posterity. Does it really get any more stupid than that? Even Donald Trump's apologists on Fox News are in disbelief that he agreed to this. Trump is so stupid, he is a hazard to himself.
There are a few problems for the left, first they have nominated a guy that has no idea where he is half of the time. After spending 3 years accusing President Trump of being a rapist they have now nominated a guy accused of sexual assault and since we have to believe all victims we know he’s guilty. Something else, they know their base is violent and radical so when Trump is gone, no matter if that’s in 2 months or 4 years some realize they have a yuuuge problem going forward
It's not as palpable as the abject stupidity of Donald Trump. Robert Woodward had already written one book on the Trump Administration called "Fear", which was released in 2018, that was scathing in it's criticism of his presidency. So, what does Donald Trump do? He agrees to sit down with Woodward for a series of interviews for yet another book ... and he even foolishly agrees to have these interviews audio recorded for posterity. Does it really get any more stupid than that? Even Donald Trump's apologists on Fox News are in disbelief that he agreed to this. Trump is so stupid, he is a hazard to himself.
Default response from the radical left: but but but Trump

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