God blessed me with some wonderful news this week! I have completed one cycle (three treatments) of my new chemo and my CA-125 blood test (cancer marker) dropped 140 points! It was 193.8 and dropped to 53.3. They told us it was very unusual for this to happen after the first cycle. Previously, the largest drop was 50 points in March 2010. We are so grateful and so overwhelmed to receive such encouraging news. I know many, many prayers have been said for us for so long and we are grateful for every single prayer. I still have months and months of treatments ahead, but our God is an awesome God and Hes leading the way.
Thanks y'all. I've been on cloud 9 since Sunday when she called me. She's been fighting this for SO LONG! This is the best news we've ever got!!!
I love each one of you. I know we only "know" each other here, but I consider you friends. :kiss: Thanks for being people I want to share my news with.
Thanks y'all. I've been on cloud 9 since Sunday when she called me. She's been fighting this for SO LONG! This is the best news we've ever got!!!
I love each one of you. I know we only "know" each other here, but I consider you friends. :kiss: Thanks for being people I want to share my news with.
Thanks y'all. I've been on cloud 9 since Sunday when she called me. She's been fighting this for SO LONG! This is the best news we've ever got!!!
I love each one of you. I know we only "know" each other here, but I consider you friends. :kiss: Thanks for being people I want to share my news with.