The Topic That Will Never Die

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why would I miss you? j/k have a good summer? pasiing all your classes? got a girlfriend? are you a baby daddy yet?
Four day week at school!

*does a little dance* :dance2:

Random...I know. But, I'm so excited that tomorrow is already Wednesday. :lol:

*thinks really hard*...

It's the Macarena, hehe. Especially after I found out I didn't have any US History and Calculus homework. That was a blessing from above...only the man upstairs could have worked that out.

I have always loved Math and done very well with it. HOWEVER, Calculus is the one type of math that I never really got the upper hand on.

Bless your heart, homework can really put a major strain on a young lady who wants to drop a few words on her fellow board members every now and then.

Macarena, huh? Knock yourself out and have a little fun with it!
Math definitely isn't my favorite subject. I'm decent in math...but I've never excelled. I would much rather be in History. Some people think it's a bore...Me? I could be in history class all day long. :)

I just can't wait until we get to the Civil War. Forty years to go... :yes:

Great that you like History. So many people never get excited about it until later on in life and that's a shame. How many times have you seen "Gone With the Wind"? AND...did you rent Seabiscuit? Got to!

Say, give me some good news. Everything lately has been sorta on the negative side so I need a picker upper.
I've never seen "Gone With the Wind." I'm so ashamed to admit that, too. I haven't rented Seabiscuit, either. Look at me...I'm such a slacker.

Good news. Hmm...Let me think. :) Well, we had a Calculus test Friday and I had the highest grade in the class. :) I was so excited...until I saw the grade.

...82. How can that be the highest grade? :p

How are you holding up over there? Everything going okay up in Virginia?

I totally did...and I forget to mention it. That is just too cute. I know I want a boy...A girl is just going to be too much of a handful. I know I was. :yes:

Yep, sure did. You da man...I think...?

I think Miss Crystal needs to be congratulated at this time for her Calculus grade...highest in the class...what a thing you know, ma'am, they will be wanting you to do commercials for Sharpie markers!!! hehe

See, you always manage to cheer me up...
OOOO I remember Calculus, I still don't get it but Math was always my worst sub. I am more of an earth science and biology man
Hey. :D I think I'm going to run. I've got a bit of English homework before I head to bed. I've got a long week ahead of me...even if there's only three days left.

I'm going to Pigeon Forge this weekend. I can't wait! :yahoo

You take care, though. You'll have to keep me posted with everything that's going on up in Radford. I like to talk to ya more than once a week, hehe.

You have a good rest of the night and sleep tight. Nighty Night.

Hey, sweetie: I'm outta here, too. Gotta get in the shower and get ready to fire things up tomorrow...

I AM proud of you, and I think you are going to have a GREAT experience as a senior this year. Just work hard, play hard, and get ready for this AWESOME CD to arrive...hehe

Night, night, sleep tight, and don't let the bed bugs bite! What the heck are bed bugs?

I don't know but I bet OWB's apartment is full of them!

Good night Volnation!!!!!

jr's out!
Originally posted by volmanjr@Sep 6, 2005 10:30 PM
I don't know but I bet OWB's apartment is full of them!

Good night Volnation!!!!!

jr's out!

:blink: I think that was a flame. Off with his head!! :wacko:
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