I loved it when they used to play that line over the PA's at Neyland, "Sick'em Smokey!!!!! WOOF WOOF!!!!!" How come they don't do that any more? I thought that was the coolest.
Ok yall,I must stress to everyone never ever attempt to do anything that requires using your brain,when you have been drinking.I am at the moment trying to hook up my new surround sound system and I'm finding it harder and harder after each beer.I have only 6 wires to hook into the receiver and yet I continue to mess the situation up.Who says drinking don't make ya stupid.
I'm still on a beer break.It really looks like I have a fire hazard going on here.Yall would not believe the wire mess I have going on here.I just hope to almighty hell that if it ignites,that I'm well asleep.
Way too many times Storm.I just finished hooking it up and I must admit it sounds pretty good,now I just need to figure out how to adjust it to the room I am using it in.Wow, my Ren and Stimpy collection is going to sound awesome,jk.