ok i can go home now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
BRING ON THE GAMECOCKS!!! and in the words of the Chic-fillet cows.... EAT MOR CHIKIN!!!!!!!!!!!
your witness counselor ninja...''Col Sanders...is it true you stated the night before the Tennessee/South Carolina game that the Vols would get more rooster than they could eat?
(after a long laugh, and my wife rolling her eyes smiling) So you freely admit that its only finger lickin because salt magnifys the existing flavor? And not enhancing the flavor as advertised?!! (courtroom loud murmur)
Good Morning VolNation!!!
Rise and shine! The complimentary breakfast buffet is now available in the lobby. Please help yourselves!
AM trivia...
"The Rooster Crowed at Midnight"
A fictional work of fiction which appeared in what TV series?