Originally posted by MemphisVol@Jul 27, 2004 3:10 AM
There was this thing, see, and, before it had a chance to grow these people stepped in with this stuff, see, and, unlikely as it sounds, the Lithuanian National Synchonized Yeti Impersonation Team showed up at the last minute to protest that the stuff was harmful to the left nut of every 3rd man on the planet, which they didn't particularly object to given that they were mostly unusually tall, butch females, but felt they should protest since they just happened to worship a goddess who was married to a guy with 3 left nuts and they figured between the coincedance and the opportunity for publicity they really ought to do something, yet the PR agent they contacted was pretty low-rent so they ended up shooting their collective wad here on an absurdly long thread whose genesis nobody can even remember but that's okay because one of the few things the Lithuanian National Synchronized Yeti Impersonation Team agrees on is the questionable nature of Genesis just on principle.
We clear now?