The UN makes social media a global tool for radicalism.

The real devil in facebook was peter thiel, who's connection with murdoch is obvious. They then turned it around to get frumpy elected with chais and confusion. Pumping money into far right pacs.

CNN and twitter are the victims this time. They are going to try it again.
CNN chose to not run the Hunter laptop or it being pulled from Twitter... they chose to avoid a candidate being compromised. There is no confusion, media politics led to media manipulation to voters.

CNN's job was to report facts, not personal opinions.
CNN chose to not run the Hunter laptop or it being pulled from Twitter... they chose to avoid a candidate being compromised. There is no confusion, media politics led to media manipulation to voters.

CNN's job was to report facts, not personal opinions.

Cnn is nothing more than an errand boy for the DIM party.
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If you don't think these guys are not manipulating the twits and FACEBOOK, you are out of your ever living MINDS! Facebook was the original hive, and twits is funded by kushner money and russia still has accounts! I was hacked by the russians on social. This study must have been done in 2010!

"some of the same people tied to Russia’s Internet Research Agency are active on the four major platforms launched in recent years to target those who deem mainstream social media companies too liberal:"

Russian trolls thriving on right-wing apps like Gab, Parler, and Truth Social, study finds
Social media is a DISEASE of the mind.

I'm rethinking my life. I might have to go full prepper, and build a disaster shelter.
The American people are being attacked through socials. It's a psyops operation against America.

This one you got right on the money . It’s of course on accident because you are going to do the whole Russian , China , Trump , Putin , Elon , right wing , alien thing . It’s our own government than ran a psyops on the American people using social media platforms to push agendas and mold the actions of its citizens during the pandemic.

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