Wes Rucker: A soccer/Chicago Cubs beat writer that occasionally tweets about the Vols
Jimmy Hyams: The Rhinestone Cowboy of the Knoxville sports media. Generally "breaks" news 3 weeks late.
Brent Hubbs: Reports whatever his editor Dave Hart will approve
Getting Santosed- When a recruit has been commited to UT for several months costing the university several thousand dollars, and then flips his commitment to another school the day before national signing day. - see also Gettin Otha'ed
Grizz would hit it! - the proper response to any pic posted of any female or inanimate orafice.
Lol this old lady walked into a restaurant today and asked if some of us men could help her with a recliner. We helped her, came back inside and the jokes commenced. Did u have her take her teeth out? Etc. I said grizz would hit it and nobody knew what it was about... So I related a story of this dude named coach grizz on the interwebz who was even worse than us! Grizz.. Your whoredom spread far and wide into Cumberland county today