The worst program choke ever

No way, not the worst. 2001 SEC Title game was much worse. We had a much better and more talented team than this one--and lost in that stupid Atlanta dome--where we NEVER played well--to an LSU team that was forced to play its backup QB. This was bad--but that was worse as that was a hugely talented Vol team.
disagree. But thats your opinion. Not even remotely close in comparison. LSU was pretty darn good. SC is straight-up trash. Hell their punter is the only player that scored last week and they torched us for 63! Using a TE for a tailback. I was at the 2001 game and it was disappointing, yes, but this was straight-up embarrassing!!!
I don’t even wanna look on social media, I don’t wanna watch my normal YouTube videos breaking down games, Josh Pate, or anything.. I just want to put my vol gear in the closet and just pretend what happened didn’t. Vol fan in hiding for a few days here.
I'd stay hidden for three weeks if not more....Candy gonna kick our sorry asses.
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This all day long. We know what we’ve been watching all season long…a terrible secondary. We hoped they would improve as the season went along and, at times, it seemed like they did. But our offense has bailed out abominable defensive/secondary play time and again this season. We’ve dodged many, many bullets. Until GA and tonight.

Our DBs have made just about every QB we’ve played look like an All-American.

GA exposed us first —on all levels, including the secondary. Tonight, SC exposed our secondary even worse.

Somebody said a long time ago (I paraphrase): offense wins games, defenses wins championships.

totally agree, although anthony richardson exposed us first, early in the season for 453 yards…we all knew it during the florida game that our secondary was an atrocious liability…
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Heupel is just 24 games into his first P5 coaching career. He’s 16-8…. No one thought he would be immaculate when taking the job. No one thought he’d have this quick rise in just two seasons. We are on pace for a 3 win improvement from year 1 to 2.

This was a gut punch loss. We will see what kinda coach Heupel is on and off the field the next two weeks. I don’t think he should make staff changes this week. If anything, get thru the Vandy game and then make changes.

We all knew him taking over a 3-7 program riddled with transfers and admin issues would not be an easy fix. We go 10/11 wins this year, he’s well ahead of schedule. This is the first staff and AD in a while where I’ve felt the coach has a blank check of resources to make staff changes. Atleast since Fulmer days. We will see what Hype is made of after dealing with adversity like this. On and off field.
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Another horrible stretch of games was in 2015 with Oklahoma and Florida especially. Being up 2 scores with 5 mins left in both games and losing was pathetic.
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That meltdown, against a Saban-coached LSU team, was definitely worse than this in terms of what was at stake: we beat LSU that night and we’re playing for the national championship. No playoff. One game. Do some homework, guys.
There’s a difference between losing a big game to a good team with everything on the line and getting absolutely embarrassed, humiliated, destroyed on a historic level by a bad team with everything on the line. You aren’t as smart as you think you are.
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There’s a difference between losing a big game to a good team with everything on the line and getting absolutely embarrassed, humiliated, destroyed on a historic level by a bad team with everything on the line. You aren’t as smart as you think you are.

Sure I am, probably a lot smarter! You just don’t know me. And you evidently refuse to educate yourself about our football history. That’s okay…self-evident, loud ignorance is a proud tradition on here and Volnation has me.😁
Sure I am, probably a lot smarter! You just don’t know me. And you evidently refuse to educate yourself about our football history. That’s okay…self-evident, loud ignorance is a proud tradition on here and Volnation has me.😁
If you don’t see how bad last night’s game was, you can’t be helped. And I’m quite aware of our football history. I see people like you all over these boards who just pop off at the mouth about how smart they are and how dumb everyone else is.
D was due to be exposed. They've been propped and aided by Neyland and convenient rain.

This exposed them utterly. If Banks and Martinez aren't sent home this staff will go 7-5 at best next year.
Yes but to the worst offense we have played all year and that includes Akron! SC was missing both RBs and the offensive line is trash. They looked like LSU from 2019 last night.
Easily top 5, with what was on the line and how bad we played and got beat down by 25 pts.

2001 LSU SEC championship games comes to mind.
Memphis lost with Peyton.
Georgia St lose was a bad one.
I’m sure I missed a few more, tend to block those out.
The Georgia game (early 2000’s) we lost at home after getting ahead, all bulldogs did was pass to the TE five times to March down and win the game.

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