I've been to a crapton of MLB parks. Atlanata-Fulton, Turner, Miami (changes names every week), RFK, the new one in DC, both in Philly, both in Cincy, PNC, Camden, Miller Park, Kauffman Stadium, both Busches, the Ballpark at Arlington (didn't actually see a game there, just went) and I might be forgetting some, but I'd take a minor league park every day of the week. Camden is my #1 MLB park followed by Kauffman. I really liked PNC in Pittsburgh too.
Anyone ever see the Lookouts-Mississippi Braves game where the Braves manager goes berserk, throws bases around, high crawls from second to the pitcher's mound, chucks the rosin bag like a grenade at his modified home plate and calls it a strike? It's on YouTube, I'm just too lazy to look it up for y'all. Anyways, I was there. Never had a better time at a ballpark.