There Is Absolutely...

Highlight of the game was Scott Van Slyke getting thrown out by 30 feet at the plate to end the game. A nice argument ensued in the Lookout dugout between Van Slyke and the third base coach.

For those wondering, Scott is Andy's son.
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I've been to a couple Clippers games, and I hated them. I finally went to one in the new stadium that everyone raves about. That also sucked. Minor league baseball is borderline torture to me.

But if you enjoy it, more power to you. Sounds like a great, cheap way to pass the time if you like it.
I've been to a crapton of MLB parks. Atlanata-Fulton, Turner, Miami (changes names every week), RFK, the new one in DC, both in Philly, both in Cincy, PNC, Camden, Miller Park, Kauffman Stadium, both Busches, the Ballpark at Arlington (didn't actually see a game there, just went) and I might be forgetting some, but I'd take a minor league park every day of the week. Camden is my #1 MLB park followed by Kauffman. I really liked PNC in Pittsburgh too.

Anyone ever see the Lookouts-Mississippi Braves game where the Braves manager goes berserk, throws bases around, high crawls from second to the pitcher's mound, chucks the rosin bag like a grenade at his modified home plate and calls it a strike? It's on YouTube, I'm just too lazy to look it up for y'all. Anyways, I was there. Never had a better time at a ballpark.
I've been to a couple Clippers games, and I hated them. I finally went to one in the new stadium that everyone raves about. That also sucked. Minor league baseball is borderline torture to me.

But if you enjoy it, more power to you. Sounds like a great, cheap way to pass the time if you like it.

If you enjoy the feel of the park and live baseball, decently played minor league ball is just as enjoyable as bigs. Often better because of room to stretch out a bit and limited fight with traffic.
If you enjoy the feel of the park and live baseball, decently played minor league ball is just as enjoyable as bigs. Often better because of room to stretch out a bit and limited fight with traffic.
Throw in the killer deals on beers and it is a great time.
My two biggest grips of minor league baseball are

1. the lack of knowledge of too many spectators, and
2. too many of them make me feel like I'm at a kids carnival and not a game.

Don't get me wrong, I'll go and enjoy it, but I just prefer the majors. It's been a long time since I've been to a game there, but I did think Memphis used to do a great job of combining the two atmospheres in the early 2000s.
8 bucks for third row seats watching guys bust their arses to get to the show is as good as it gets for me.
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I agree. Love the Sounds. Triple A baseball is fun stuff.
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Lookouts games in Chattanooga are pretty great, too. $8 seats behind home plate, including the first row, $4 general admission, outstanding hot dogs, etc.
My two biggest grips of minor league baseball are

1. the lack of knowledge of too many spectators, and
2. too many of them make me feel like I'm at a kids carnival and not a game.

Don't get me wrong, I'll go and enjoy it, but I just prefer the majors. It's been a long time since I've been to a game there, but I did think Memphis used to do a great job of combining the two atmospheres in the early 2000s.

They still do a damn fine job. I plan on going during Labor Day weekend again hopefully.
Buying Friday night season tickets for the Smokies this year has been one of the better purchases I've made in a while.
NYYVol has it right. Autozone Park, BBQ nachos, and Ghost River Red tonight. Great combo. Just need some runs from the Redbirds.
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What sucks about where I'm about to be stationed is that neither of the locations have a MiLB team

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