I have your post 10 times and it is baffling.
Your original premise was that the Chinese response was ineffective --- "The lockdown was so effective that the virus spread globally during the lockdown. A reasonable person would question the effectiveness of a lockdown like that."
And then you ask, "why did the virus not further in China, huh tell me that? as though you stumbled on to some grand contradiction.
The virus did not spread in China because their preventive actions--social distancing, doubling down on hygeine, more testing and quarantining--freakin' worked!!!!!!
The purpose of the lockdown in the Wuhan provice (the epicenter of the Chinese epidemic) and a huge public health initiative that was i
mplemented across the entire country was designed to contain the virus
in China. The actions by Chinese public health authorities cannot impact what happens in Italy, Iraq, Hong Kong, Spain, Germany the US. And it only takes a few infected individuals to seed an outbreak in a country with a virus that is highly contagious, via the principle of geometric progression; if you can break the process of geometric progression,
you can contain the virus, which needs a host to survive.
And in each of those other outbreak areas, different countries responded with different levels of urgency. Italy basically ignored the threat until they hit a crisis point. Germany responded much more quickly and has had fewer cases.
Rather than trying to invent "gotcha scenarios" to some how support the idea that everything is just hunky dory, you could you know actually read information about how the virus spread in different areas and how it has been contained, like in this interview with an epidemiologist from the WHO:
China’s cases of Covid-19 are finally declining. A WHO expert explains why.