They killed half of their girls -- what did they expect?

It's fun to watch some people on this board reminisce about the good old days when you were allowed to discriminate against woman. Perhaps give them a good pop if they stepped out of line. Back when raping your wife was perfectly legal.
They see what it's doing to American culture. The social experiments the liberals are conducting are ripping at society. They won't no part of it.

What do you mean? Our enemies like Russia and China probably promote American wokeness on social media, but don't expect intelligence agencies or the FBI to investigate. Would you rather fight a mean, nasty, racist military or a gentle, caring woke one? The Chinese are already facing a country with a billion people who maybe aren't as woke as we are, so why not help us turn against ourselves.

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That's the way a lot of people feel about the jab.
Not a single American has been forced to take the vax. It may soon be mandatory for the military but when they signed up they agreed to abide by the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Even then I'm sure they can opt out and be discharged. Rejoice, you are still free to be an idiot and I can crossdress if I want.
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Not a single American has been forced to take the vax. It may soon be mandatory for the military but when they signed up they agreed to abide by the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Even then I'm sure they can opt out and be discharged. Rejoice, you are still free to be an idiot and I can crossdress if I want.
It’s already mandatory for the military.
Of course with the supply chain woes we're facing, doing without Chinese goods is becoming much more feasible......they are no longer indispensable.

Can you imagine begging China for steel so we can replace our weapons that they destroyed in a war with us? This crap that the globalists foisted on us is unbelievable. Traitors.
I didn't know they had actually issued the orders yet. They were mandatory when I was in the service in the 60s. No big deal as far as I'm concerned.

Yep, I remember that - like a production line - no questions asked - just grin and bear (or bare) it. I think given a choice, I'd rather fight against the military we are empowering.
Did you insert this here for any particular reason?
It is related to the subject matter. China is trying to battle a possible decline in birt rates. This could soon be a global issue.

I thought it was obviously how it was connected.
Not a single American has been forced to take the vax. It may soon be mandatory for the military but when they signed up they agreed to abide by the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Even then I'm sure they can opt out and be discharged. Rejoice, you are still free to be an idiot and I can crossdress if I want.
Technically, that is correct. When given a choice between the jab or your job, I guess technically, that is voluntary.

But we are moving in the direction where it will again be a choice like that... where if you want to engage in society, you have to get a jab.
It is related to the subject matter. China is trying to battle a possible decline in birt rates. This could soon be a global issue.

I thought it was obviously how it was connected.

Our planet is not capable of handling this much population with our current technology. Lowered birth rates could be a blessing in disguise when it comes to making sure we're able to manage food production, decreased pollution, and housing issues.
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Our planet is not capable of handling this much population with our current technology. Lowered birth rates could be a blessing in disguise when it comes to making sure we're able to manage food production, decreased pollution, and housing issues.

There's a line denoting the point that technology improves lives and provides leisure; we passed it a long time ago because robots don't argue with top down management, and top down management doesn't have to share income with a robot. It will be interesting looking back to determine if decreasing population helped or hurt the shift to technology and offshoring jobs. Will the country be able to coast longer or spiral in faster with fewer mouths when it is no longer self sufficient?
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Our planet is not capable of handling this much population with our current technology. Lowered birth rates could be a blessing in disguise when it comes to making sure we're able to manage food production, decreased pollution, and housing issues.
Are you raising your hand to die first?
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Our planet is not capable of handling this much population with our current technology. Lowered birth rates could be a blessing in disguise when it comes to making sure we're able to manage food production, decreased pollution, and housing issues.
How long before you also jump to the conclusion that once a human is not contributing they are expendable? Population can be controlled in a number of ways, not just births

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