They Kinda Screwed Us

Wow, I didn't realize my literal joke of a username was so triggering. Like, a literal joke. Calling people juvenile names is not a joke, it's just sad.
I've got no issue with you brother, or your Mustard bottle. I would advise you not let stupid stuff like this bug you. Life is a lot better when you give 2&0 (2 sheets and 0 fooks)!
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Truth. His show is terrible. He doesn't know football
I don't mind it and the coach they have on the show does a nice job. He's a fan and doesn't claim to be otherwise so, for me, it's a nice change up to the "Pros." To each their own tho.... We are all Vols!
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I try not to. I don't know why, but he is about the only UT show I don't like. He always wears blue 🤪 Why not orange like the other hosts often wear ( Eric Cain, AP, Hooker Etc)? Anyway I just don't care for his show at all!
You are smart not to listen to him. Just a bunch of click bait. Doesn't know football.
I was just listening to Boogie Bentley, and he mentioned that we were only giving up 6.5 points per game on defense. I thought, "how can we be giving up 6.5 per on defense when we've only given up 6 points in two games." I looked it up, and he is right. The 7 points that the offense gave up was given to Tennessee's defense; go figure.

Bentley also said that Tim Banks will likely get a head coaching gig after this season and that Inge will likely be the new defensive coordinator.
Bentley also said that Tim Banks will likely get a head coaching gig after this season and that Inge will likely be the new defensive coordinator.
I mean that’s been the rumor going around even before Boogie got a hold of it. Martinez and Garner eventually will retire as well. I think Willie is gone this year or at most next even if Banks sticks around. If Banks gets hired somewhere else I could see Martinez timeline moving up. Behind Garner you’ve got Chop that’s great in recruiting and probably will get an on the field role somewhere very soon; if banks leaves I could see him trying to get Harbin to go with him as well. Garner possibly could take a role that would allow him to still contribute but not be on the road as much in recruiting. Of course all of the above is JMO.
Bentley also said that Tim Banks will likely get a head coaching gig after this season and that Inge will likely be the new defensive coordinator.
He didn't come up with that. He also makes stuff up to get views. Volquest and 247 is all you need to keep up with, not him.
Wouldn't waste my time listening to him. There are much better Vol YouTubers than him or sports talk J.
Neither are great. Boogie is over the top and J is dull.

Both love the Vols though so I applaud them for putting themselves out there and giving fans different places to come together.
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