They took away Easter, now Thanksgiving & Christmas will be next

need to ax New Years Eve, All those parties with drinking, dancing and midnight kissing, could be deadly.
I've made it a point to watch people in public and I'm amazed at how many people wear a mask like it's second nature. I watched a neighbor take his garbage down to the end of the driveway and he wore a freaking mask? I only wear one when the place of business I'm going to enter requires one.
I've made it a point to watch people in public and I'm amazed at how many people wear a mask like it's second nature. I watched a neighbor take his garbage down to the end of the driveway and he wore a freaking mask? I only wear one when the place of business I'm going to enter requires one.
Well the Pharisees have to pray in the street, duh.
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I've made it a point to watch people in public and I'm amazed at how many people wear a mask like it's second nature. I watched a neighbor take his garbage down to the end of the driveway and he wore a freaking mask? I only wear one when the place of business I'm going to enter requires one.
Unfortunately that is just about 90% of the places I have to go.

Electricians I'm working with today were talking about how the security guard at the compound front gates were giving them a tongue lashing for not wearing a mask in the vehicle they were carpooling in.

Now if security guards and rent-a-cops are feeling themselves over being mask police, imagine how our real Barney Fifes and Tackleberrys are out here.
Unfortunately that is just about 90% of the places I have to go.

Electricians I'm working with today were talking about how the security guard at the compound front gates were giving them a tongue lashing for not wearing a mask in the vehicle they were carpooling in.

Now if security guards and rent-a-cops are feeling themselves over being mask police, imagine how our real Barney Fifes and Tackleberrys are out here.
I'm about ready to quit wearing a mask and see if anyone actually says anything to me. I can deal with the expected vitriol from the TN transplants from New England and the Midwest.
Our son and daughter spend Thanksgiving running between their inlaws houses so by the time they got to ours they don't want to eat they just want to crash. So we just said screw it, we'll do whatever and see y'all on Christmas morning. Wife laid down the law about Christmas.

I side with the kids because I remember having to attend multiple stuffings on Thanksgiving; the wife still feels insulted. I'm happy with a nice stuffed Cornish hen and fewer of the better traditional side dishes.
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I've made it a point to watch people in public and I'm amazed at how many people wear a mask like it's second nature. I watched a neighbor take his garbage down to the end of the driveway and he wore a freaking mask? I only wear one when the place of business I'm going to enter requires one.

Since I come from a nuclear background, I think about it more as a CBR than a medical event and ignore the Faucis of the world - that just means doing in moderation what seems correct based on avoiding micro particulate type contamination. I do wear a mask out - N95 or surgical depending on the occasion, and it's where it needs to be. From most of the mask wear demonstrated on a daily basis, I'd draw no conclusions about mask use. To me at least half the people I see "wearing" a mask are wasting their time. I'll also say my cardiologist wants me back in four months rather that the normal six, so that has a bit to do with my viewpoint, but I definitely don't have a mask on if I'm doing something like filling the car or other outside activity.
Cancelling Thanksgiving is a win for me since I don't have to be around any of my worthless mooching miserable leftist relatives.
I'm about ready to quit wearing a mask and see if anyone actually says anything to me. I can deal with the expected vitriol from the TN transplants from New England and the Midwest.

I can't say I blame you. The biggest problem was mandating masks without selling the public on the reason - or even more importantly demonstrating a reason based on evidence. I think there is evidence, but the CDC has failed miserably in even having fact to back it up. The other side of the coin is that when mandated, masks that work weren't available to the public.
I'm about ready to quit wearing a mask and see if anyone actually says anything to me. I can deal with the expected vitriol from the TN transplants from New England and the Midwest.
I think it getting time for a little civil disobedience. I live in a decent area that won’t lift the stupid mask mandate. Maybe it’s time for people to get the free mask whenever required and throw it out the window on the way home. Maybe our dumbass “leaders” will wise up.
I think it getting time for a little civil disobedience. I live in a decent area that won’t lift the stupid mask mandate. Maybe it’s time for people to get the free mask whenever required and throw it out the window on the way home. Maybe our dumbass “leaders” will wise up.

NGV and I were just talking about this yesterday and how different areas / cities follow or ignore the mandate. Norfolk has become more of a voluntary mask if you want to while Virginia Beach is a rule for everyone to wear them . It’s weird I’ve seen people wearing them in cars by themselves and people going in and out of stores without them . 🤷‍♂️
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I've made it a point to watch people in public and I'm amazed at how many people wear a mask like it's second nature. I watched a neighbor take his garbage down to the end of the driveway and he wore a freaking mask? I only wear one when the place of business I'm going to enter requires one.
On the way home from work yesterday while stopped at a red light I noticed 2 cars in a row go by with no passengers but the driver wearing a mask. Was this a statistical anomaly or are there that many stupid people out there?
A new report says mouthwash kills covid germs in the mouth. Drinking liberally would seem the next step according to that bit of research.

I was thinking the very same thing. What is mouthwash mostly made of anyways?
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