This weather is absolutely killing me! Driving me crazy not being able to work. During this little break in the rain the last couple days, I was able to get all the roof rafters out in the front portion of the house and most of the flooring and floor joists removed. The floor joists are 2x8 pine, 14 feet long, and are in excellent condition, considering they are 158 years old. Lol. These will make some beautiful tables.
I'm finally getting a good look at the hand hewn sill beams and I'm very pleased with them also.
The one in the pic is 8x8, oak, and is 18 1/2 feet long. Straight as an arrow and zero insect or water damage. There are 12 of these in this home between 14 and 19 feet long. I believe 4 have some damage to them, but even those I'll be able to salvage something of value.
I'm so ready to get this one done and dry weather. I usually don't wish for summer because frankly it sucks doing this in 90 degree heat, but I'm ready for dry weather. Days of rain is no bueno for me.
Plus turkey season and the crappie spawn are close and I have trios planned with my girls. Can't wait.
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